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We give overcrowding estimates for the Sine_beta process, the bulk point process limit of the Gaussian beta-ensemble. We show that the probability of having at least n points in a fixed interval is given by $e^{-frac{beta}{2} n^2 log(n)+O(n^2)}$ as $nto infty$. We also identify the next order term in the exponent if the size of the interval goes to zero.
177 - Brian Rider , Benedek Valko 2014
We prove a version of the classical Dufresne identity for matrix processes. In particular, we show that the inverse Wishart laws on the space of positive definite r x r matrices can be realized by the infinite time horizon integral of M_t times its transpose in which t -> M_t is a drifted Brownian motion on the general linear group. This solves a problem in the study of spiked random matrix ensembles which served as the original motivation for this result. Various known extensions of the Dufresne identity (and their applications) are also shown to have analogs in this setting. For example, we identify matrix valued diffusions built from M_t which generalize in a natural way the scalar processes figuring into the geometric Levy and Pitman theorems of Matsumoto and Yor.
We compute the fluctuation exponents for a solvable model of one-dimensional directed polymers in random environment in the intermediate regime. This regime corresponds to taking the inverse temperature to zero with the size of the system. The exponents satisfy the KPZ scaling relation and coincide with physical predictions. In the critical case, we recover the fluctuation exponents of the Cole-Hopf solution of the KPZ equation in equilibrium and close to equilibrium.
We study two one-parameter families of point processes connected to random matrices: the Sine_beta and Sch_tau processes. The first one is the bulk point process limit for the Gaussian beta-ensemble. For beta=1, 2 and 4 it gives the limit of the GOE, GUE and GSE models of random matrix theory. In particular, for beta=2 it is a determinantal point process conjectured to have similar behavior to the critical zeros of the Riemann zeta-function. The second process can be obtained as the bulk scaling limit of the spectrum of certain discrete one-dimensional random Schrodinger operators. Both processes have asymptotically constant average density, in our normalization one expects close to lambda/(2pi) points in a large interval of length lambda. Our main results are large deviation principles for the average densities of the processes, essentially we compute the asymptotic probability of seeing an unusual average density in a large interval. Our approach is based on the representation of the counting functions of these processes using stochastic differential equations. We also prove path level large deviation principles for the arising diffusions. Our techniques work for the full range of parameter values. The results are novel even in the classical beta=1, 2 and 4 cases for the Sine_beta process. They are consistent with the existing rigorous results on large gap probabilities and confirm the physical predictions made using log-gas arguments.
We consider one component lattice gases with a local dynamics and a stationary product Bernoulli measure. We give upper and lower bounds on the diffusivity at an equilibrium point depending on the dimension and the local behavior of the macroscopic flux function. We show that if the model is expected to be diffusive, it is indeed diffusive, and, if it is expected to be superdiffusive, it is indeed superdiffusive.
In the multi-type totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) on the line, each site of Z is occupied by a particle labeled with some number, and two neighboring particles are interchanged at rate one if their labels are in increasing order. Consider the process with the initial configuration where each particle is labeled by its position. It is known that in this case a.s. each particle has an asymptotic speed which is distributed uniformly on [-1,1]. We study the joint distribution of these speeds: the TASEP speed process. We prove that the TASEP speed process is stationary with respect to the multi-type TASEP dynamics. Consequently, every ergodic stationary measure is given as a projection of the speed process measure. This generalizes previous descriptions restricted to finitely many classes. By combining this result with known stationary measures for TASEPs with finitely many types, we compute several marginals of the speed process, including the joint density of two and three consecutive speeds. One striking property of the distribution is that two speeds are equal with positive probability and for any given particle there are infinitely many others with the same speed. We also study the partially asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP). We prove that the states of the ASEP with the above initial configuration, seen as permutations of Z, are symmetric in distribution. This allows us to extend some of our results, including the stationarity and description of all ergodic stationary measures, also to the ASEP.
We show that in the point process limit of the bulk eigenvalues of $beta$-ensembles of random matrices, the probability of having no eigenvalue in a fixed interval of size $lambda$ is given by [bigl( kappa_{beta}+o(1)bigr)lambda^{gamma_{beta}}expbiggl(-{bet a}{64}lambda^2+biggl({beta}{8}-{1}{4}biggr)lambdabiggr)] as $lambdatoinfty$, where [gamma_{beta}={1}{4}biggl({beta}{2}+{2}{beta}-3biggr)] and $kappa_{beta}$ is an undetermined positive constant. This is a slightly corrected version of a prediction by Dyson [J. Math. Phys. 3 (1962) 157--165]. Our proof uses the new Brownian carousel representation of the limit process, as well as the Cameron--Martin--Girsanov transformation in stochastic calculus.
We show that at any location away from the spectral edge, the eigenvalues of the Gaussian unitary ensemble and its general beta siblings converge to Sine_beta, a translation invariant point process. This process has a geometric description in term of the Brownian carousel, a deterministic function of Brownian motion in the hyperbolic plane. The Brownian carousel, a description of the a continuum limit of random matrices, provides a convenient way to analyze the limiting point processes. We show that the gap probability of Sine_beta is continuous in the gap size and $beta$, and compute its asymptotics for large gaps. Moreover, the stochastic differential equation version of the Brownian carousel exhibits a phase transition at beta=2.
The diffusivity $D(t)$ of finite-range asymmetric exclusion processes on $mathbb Z$ with non-zero drift is expected to be of order $t^{1/3}$. Sepp{a}lainen and Balazs recently proved this conjecture for the nearest neighbor case. We extend their results to general finite range exclusion by proving that the Laplace transform of the diffusivity is of the conjectured order. We also obtain a pointwise upper bound for $D(t)$ the correct order.

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