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In this paper we describe some Leibniz algebras whose corresponding Lie algebra is four-dimensional Diamond Lie algebra $mathfrak{D}$ and the ideal generated by the squares of elements (further denoted by $I$) is a right $mathfrak{D}$-module. Using description cite{Cas} of representations of algebra $mathfrak{D}$ in $mathfrak{sl}(3,{mathbb{C}})$ and $mathfrak{sp}(4,{mathbb{F}})$ where ${mathbb{F}}={mathbb{R}}$ or ${mathbb{C}}$ we obtain the classification of above mentioned Leibniz algebras. Moreover, Fock representation of Heisenberg Lie algebra was extended to the case of the algebra $mathfrak{D}.$ Classification of Leibniz algebras with corresponding Lie algebra $mathfrak{D}$ and with the ideal $I$ as a Fock right $mathfrak{D}$-module is presented. The linear integrable deformations in terms of the second cohomology groups of obtained finite-dimensional Leibniz algebras are described. Two computer programs in Mathematica 10 which help to calculate for a given Leibniz algebra the general form of elements of spaces $BL^2$ and $ZL^2$ are constructed, as well.
In this paper we prove some general results on Leibniz 2-cocycles for simple Leibniz algebras. Applying these results we establish the triviality of the second Leibniz cohomology for a simple Leibniz algebra with coefficients in itself, whose associated Lie algebra is isomorphic to $mathfrak{sl}_2$.
We introduce and provide a classification theorem for the class of Heisenberg-Fock Leibniz algebras. This category of algebras is formed by those Leibniz algebras $L$ whose corresponding Lie algebras are Heisenberg algebras $H_n$ and whose ${H_n}$-modules $I$, where $I$ denotes the ideal generated by the squares of elements of $L$, are isomorphic to Fock modules. We also consider the three-dimensional Heisenberg algebra $H_3$ and study three classes of Leibniz algebras with $H_3$ as corresponding Lie algebra, by taking certain generalizations of the Fock module. Moreover, we describe the class of Leibniz algebras with $H_n$ as corresponding Lie algebra and such that the action $I times H_n to I$ gives rise to a minimal faithful representation of $H_n$. The classification of this family of Leibniz algebras for the case of $n=3$ is given.
In this paper we study subalgebras of complex finite dimensional evolution algebras. We obtain the classification of nilpotent evolution algebras whose any subalgebra is an evolution subalgebra with a basis which can be extended to a natural basis of algebra. Moreover, we formulate three conjectures related to description of such non-nilpotent algebras.
In this paper we identify the structure of complex finite-dimensional Leibniz algebras with associated Lie algebras $sl_2^1oplus sl_2^2oplus dots oplus sl_2^soplus R,$ where $R$ is a solvable radical. The classifications of such Leibniz algebras in the cases $dim R=2, 3$ and $dim I eq 3$ have been obtained. Moreover, we classify Leibniz algebras with $L/Icong sl_2^1oplus sl_2^2$ and some conditions on ideal $I=id<[x,x] | xin L>.$
We describe infinitesimal deformations of complex naturally graded filiform Leibniz algebras. It is known that any $n$-dimensional filiform Lie algebra can be obtained by a linear integrable deformation of the naturally graded algebra $F_n^3(0)$. We establish that in the same way any $n$-dimensional filiform Leibniz algebra can be obtained by an infinitesimal deformation of the filiform Leibniz algebras $F_{n}^1,$ $F_{n}^2$ and $F_{n}^3(alpha)$. Moreover, we describe the linear integrable deformations of above-mentioned algebras with a fixed basis of $HL^2$ in the set of all $n$-dimensional Leibniz algebras. Among these deformations we found one new rigid algebra.
In this paper we describe the infinitesimal deformations of null-filiform Leibniz superalgebras over a field of zero characteristic. It is known that up to isomorphism in each dimension there exist two such superalgebras $NF^{n,m}$. One of them is a Leibniz algebra (that is $m=0$) and the second one is a pure Leibniz superalgebra (that is $m eq 0$) of maximum nilindex. We show that the closure of union of orbits of single-generated Leibniz algebras forms an irreducible component of the variety of Leibniz algebras. We prove that any single-generated Leibniz algebra is a linear integrable deformation of the algebra $NF^{n}$. Similar results for the case of Leibniz superalgebras are obtained.
In this paper we investigate the description of the complex Leibniz superalgebras with nilindex n+m, where n and m ($m eq 0$) are dimensions of even and odd parts, respectively. In fact, such superalgebras with characteristic sequence equal to $(n_1, ..., n_k | m_1, ..., m_s)$ (where $n_1+... +n_k=n, m_1+ ... + m_s=m$) for $n_1geq n-1$ and $(n_1, ..., n_k | m)$ were classified in works cite{FilSup}--cite{C-G-O-Kh1}. Here we prove that in the case of $(n_1, ..., n_k| m_1, ..., m_s)$, where $n_1leq n-2$ and $m_1 leq m-1$ the Leibniz superalgebras have nilindex less than n+m. Thus, we complete the classification of Leibniz superalgebras with nilindex n+m.
We present the description up to isomorphism of Leibniz superalgebras with characteristic sequence $(n|m_1,...,m_k)$ and nilindex $n+m,$ where $m=m_1+ >...+m_k,$ $n$ and $m$ ($m eq 0$) are dimensions of even and odd parts, respectively.
In this work we investigate the complex Leibniz superalgebras with characteristic sequence $(n-1, 1 | m_1, ..., m_k)$ and with nilindex equal to $n+m.$ We prove that such superalgebras with the condition $m_2 eq0$ have nilindex less than $n+m$. Therefore the complete classification of Leibniz algebras with characteristic sequence $(n-1, 1 | m_1, ..., m_k)$ and with nilindex equal to $n+m$ is reduced to the classification of filiform Leibniz superalgebras of nilindex equal to $n+m,$ which was provided in cite{AOKh} and cite{GKh}.

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