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We suggest that the collision of a small solid body with a pulsar can lead to an observable glitch/anti-glitch. The glitch amplitude depends on the mass of the small body and the impact parameter as well. In the collision, a considerable amount of potential energy will be released either in the form of a short hard X-ray burst or as a relatively long-lasting soft X-ray afterglow. The connection between the glitch amplitude and the X-ray energetics can help to diagnose the nature of these timing anomalies.
We present magnetization, specific heat, resistivity, and Hall effect measurements on the cubic B20 phase of MnGe and CoGe and compare to measurements of isostructural FeGe and electronic structure calculations. In MnGe, we observe a transition to a magnetic state at $T_c=275$ K as identified by a sharp peak in the ac magnetic susceptibility, as well as second phase transition at lower temperature that becomes apparent only at finite magnetic field. We discover two phase transitions in the specific heat at temperatures much below the Curie temperature one of which we associate with changes to the magnetic structure. A magnetic field reduces the temperature of this transition which corresponds closely to the sharp peak observed in the ac susceptibility at fields above 5 kOe. The second of these transitions is not affected by the application of field and has no signature in the magnetic properties or our crystal structure parameters. Transport measurements indicate that MnGe is metal with a negative magnetoresistance similar to that seen in isostructural FeGe and MnSi. Hall effect measurements reveal a carrier concentration of about 0.5 carriers per formula unit also similar to that found in FeGe and MnSi. CoGe is shown to be a low carrier density metal with a very small, nearly temperature independent diamagnetic susceptibility.
192 - W. Y. Cui , B. Zhang , J. R. Shi 2014
We study the abundance distributions of a sample of metal-rich barium stars provided by Pereira et al. (2011) to investigate the s- and r-process nucleosynthesis in the metal-rich environment. We compared the theoretical results predicted by a parametric model with the observed abundances of the metal-rich barium stars. We found that six barium stars have a significant r-process characteristic, and we divided the barium stars into two groups: the r-rich barium stars ($C_r>5.0$, [La/Nd],$<0$) and normal barium stars. The behavior of the r-rich barium stars seems more like that of the metal-poor r-rich and CEMP-r/s stars. We suggest that the most possible formation mechanism for these stars is the s-process pollution, although their abundance patterns can be fitted very well when the pre-enrichment hypothesis is included. The fact that we can not explain them well using the s-process nucleosynthesis alone may be due to our incomplete knowledge on the production of Nd, Eu, and other relevant elements by the s-process in metal-rich and super metal-rich environments (see details in Pereira et al. 2011).
We report a systematic study on the low-temperature thermal conductivity (kappa) of R_2Ti_2O_7 (R = Gd and Er) single crystals with different directions of magnetic field and heat current. It is found that the magnetic excitations mainly act as phonon scatterers rather than heat carriers, although these two materials have long-range magnetic orders at low temperatures. The low-T kappa(H) isotherms of both compounds show rather complicated behaviors and have good correspondences with the magnetic transitions, where the kappa(H) curves show drastic dip- or step-like changes. In comparison, the field dependencies of kappa are more complicated in Gd_2Ti_2O_7, due to the complexity of its low-T phase diagram and field-induced magnetic transitions. These results demonstrate the significant coupling between spins and phonons in these materials and the ability of heat-transport properties probing the magnetic transitions.
446 - B. Zhang , L. Moscadelli , M. Sato 2013
We report trigonometric parallax measurements of masers in the massive star forming complex W43 from VLBA observations as part of the BeSSeL Survey. Based on measurements of three 12 GHz methanol maser sources (G029.86-00.04, G029.95-00.01 and G031.28+00.06) and one 22 GHz water maser source (G031.58+00.07) toward W43, we derived a distance of $5.49^{+0.39}_{-0.34}$ kpc to W43. By associating the masers with CO molecular clouds, and associating the clouds kinematically with CO longitude-velocity spiral features, we assign W43 to the Scutum spiral arm, close to the near end of the Galactic bar. The peculiar motion of W43 is about 20 km/s toward the Galactic Center and is very likely induced by the gravitational attraction of the bar.
131 - B. Zhang , M. Sun , L. Ji 2013
We present the analysis of a deep Chandra observation of a ~2L_* late-type galaxy, ESO 137-002, in the closest rich cluster A3627. The Chandra data reveal a long (>40 kpc) and narrow tail with a nearly constant width (~3 kpc) to the southeast of the galaxy, and a leading edge ~1.5 kpc from the galaxy center on the upstream side of the tail. The tail is most likely caused by the nearly edge-on stripping of ESO 137-002s ISM by ram pressure, compared to the nearly face-on stripping of ESO 137-001 discussed in our previous work. Spectral analysis of individual regions along the tail shows that the gas throughout it has a rather constant temperature, ~1 keV, very close to the temperature of the tails of ESO 137-001, if the same atomic database is used. The derived gas abundance is low (~0.2 solar with the single-kT model), an indication of the multiphase nature of the gas in the tail. The mass of the X-ray tail is only a small fraction (<5%) of the initial ISM mass of the galaxy, suggesting that the stripping is most likely at an early stage. However, with any of the single-kT, double-kT and multi-kT models we tried, the tail is always over-pressured relative to the surrounding ICM, which could be due to the uncertainties in the abundance, thermal vs. non-thermal X-ray emission, or magnetic support in the ICM. The H-alpha data from SOAR show a ~21 kpc tail spatially coincident with the X-ray tail, as well as a secondary tail (~12 kpc long) to the east of the main tail diverging at an angle of ~23 degrees and starting at a distance of ~7.5 kpc from the nucleus. At the position of the secondary H-alpha tail, the X-ray emission is also enhanced at the ~2 sigma level. We compare the tails of ESO 137-001 and ESO 137-002, and also compare the tails to simulations. Both the similarities and differences of the tails pose challenges to the simulations. Several implications are briefly discussed.
We have investigated generation of magnetic fields associated with velocity shear between an unmagnetized relativistic jet and an unmagnetized sheath plasma. We have examined the strong magnetic fields generated by kinetic shear (Kelvin-Helmholtz) instabilities. Compared to the previous studies using counter-streaming performed by Alves et al. (2012), the structure of KKHI of our jet-sheath configuration is slightly different even for the global evolution of the strong transverse magnetic field. In our simulations the major components of growing modes are the electric field $E_{rm z}$ and the magnetic field $B_{rm y}$. After the $B_{rm y}$ component is excited, an induced electric field $E_{rm x}$ becomes significant. However, other field components remain small. We find that the structure and growth rate of KKHI with mass ratios $m_{rm i}/m_{rm e} = 1836$ and $m_{rm i}/m_{rm e} = 20$ are similar. In our simulations saturation in the nonlinear stage is not as clear as in counter-streaming cases. The growth rate for a mildly-relativistic jet case ($gamma_{rm j} = 1.5$) is larger than for a relativistic jet case ($gamma_{rm j} = 15$).
We have investigated particle acceleration and shock structure associated with an unmagnetized relativistic jet propagating into an unmagnetized plasma. Strong magnetic fields generated in the trailing jet shock lead to transverse deflection and acceleration of the electrons. We have self-consistently calculated the radiation from the electrons accelerated in the turbulent magnetic fields. We find that the synthetic spectra depend on the bulk Lorentz factor of the jet, the jet temperature, and the strength of the magnetic fields generated in the shock. We have also begun study of electron acceleration in the strong magnetic fields generated by kinetic shear (Kelvin-Helmholtz) instabilities. Our calculated spectra should lead to a better understanding of the complex time evolution and/or spectral structure from gamma-ray bursts, relativistic jets, and supernova remnants.
128 - M. Siercke , K.S. Chan , B. Zhang 2012
We report on the trapping of ultracold atoms in the magnetic field formed entirely by persistent supercurrents induced in a thin film type-II superconducting square. The supercurrents are carried by vortices induced in the 2D structure by applying two magnetic field pulses of varying amplitude perpendicular to its surface. This results in a self-sufficient quadrupole trap that does not require any externally applied fields. We investigate the trapping parameters for different supercurrent distributions. Furthermore, to demonstrate possible applications of these types of supercurrent traps we show how a central quadrupole trap can be split into four traps by the use of a bias field.
431 - B. Zhang , M. Siercke , K.S. Chan 2012
We propose and analyze neutral atom traps generated by vortices imprinted by magnetic field pulse sequences in type-II superconducting disks and rings. We compute the supercurrent distribution and magnetic field resulting from the vortices in the superconductor. Different patterns of vortices can be written by versatile loading field sequences. We discuss in detail procedures to generate quadrupole traps, self-sufficient traps and ring traps based on superconducting disks and rings. The ease of creating these traps and the low current noise in supercurrent carrying structures makes our approach attractive for designing atom chip interferometers and probes.

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