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We analyse the effects of environmental noise in three different biological systems: (i) mating behaviour of individuals of emph{Nezara viridula} (L.) (Heteroptera Pentatomidae); (ii) polymer translocation in crowded solution; (iii) an ecosystem described by a Verhulst model with a multiplicative L{e}vy noise.
By using the backward fractional Fokker-Planck equation we investigate the barrier crossing event in the presence of Levy noise. After shortly review recent results obtained with different approaches on the time characteristics of the barrier crossing, we derive a general differential equation useful to calculate the nonlinear relaxation time. We obtain analytically the nonlinear relaxation time for free Levy flights and a closed expression in quadrature of the same characteristics for cubic potential.
In this work we study the noise induced effects on the dynamics of short polymers crossing a potential barrier, in the presence of a metastable state. An improved version of the Rouse model for a flexible polymer has been adopted to mimic the molecular dynamics by taking into account both the interactions between adjacent monomers and introducing a Lennard-Jones potential between all beads. A bending recoil torque has also been included in our model. The polymer dynamics is simulated in a two-dimensional domain by numerically solving the Langevin equations of motion with a Gaussian uncorrelated noise. We find a nonmonotonic behaviour of the mean first passage time and the most probable translocation time, of the polymer centre of inertia, as a function of the polymer length at low noise intensity. We show how thermal fluctuations influence the motion of short polymers, by inducing two different regimes of translocation in the molecule transport dynamics. In this context, the role played by the length of the molecule in the translocation time is investigated.
Studies about the constructive aspects of noise and fluctuations in different non-linear systems have shown that the addition of external noise to systems with an intrinsic noise may result in a less noisy response. Recently, the possibility to reduce the diffusion noise in semiconductor bulk materials by adding a random fluctuating contribution to the driving static electric field has been tested. The present work extends the previous theories by considering the noise-induced effects on the electron transport dynamics in low-doped n-type GaAs samples driven by a high-frequency periodic electric field (cyclostationary conditions). By means of Monte Carlo simulations, we calculate the changes in the spectral density of the electron velocity fluctuations caused by the addition of an external correlated noise source. The results reported in this paper confirm that, under specific conditions, the presence of a fluctuating component added to an oscillating electric field can reduce the total noise power. Furthermore, we find a nonlinear behaviour of the spectral density with the noise intensity. Our study reveals that, critically depending on the external noise correlation time, the dynamical response of electrons driven by a periodic electric field receives a benefit by the constructive interplay between the fluctuating field and the intrinsic noise of the system.
The study of the noise induced effects on the dynamics of a chain molecule crossing a potential barrier, in the presence of a metastable state, is presented. A two-dimensional stochastic version of the Rouse model for a flexible polymer has been adopted to mimic the molecular dynamics and to take into account the interactions between adjacent monomers. We obtain a nonmonotonic behavior of the mean first passage time and its standard deviation, of the polymer centre of inertia, with the noise intensity. These findings reveal a noise induced effect on the mean crossing time. The role of the polymer length is also investigated.
The transient dynamics of long overlap Josephson junctions in the frame of the sine-Gordon model with a white noise source is investigated. The effect of noise delayed decay is observed for the case of overdamped sine-Gordon equation. It is shown that this noise induced effect, in the range of small noise intensities, vanishes for junctions lengths greater than several Josephson penetration length.
253 - A. A.Dubkov , B. Spagnolo , 2008
After a short excursion from discovery of Brownian motion to the Richardson law of four thirds in turbulent diffusion, the article introduces the L{e}vy flight superdiffusion as a self-similar L{e}vy process. The condition of self-similarity converts the infinitely divisible characteristic function of the L{e}vy process into a stable characteristic function of the L{e}vy motion. The L{e}vy motion generalizes the Brownian motion on the base of the $alpha$-stable distributions theory and fractional order derivatives. The further development of the idea lies on the generalization of the Langevin equation with a non-Gaussian white noise source and the use of functional approach. This leads to the Kolmogorovs equation for arbitrary Markovian processes. As particular case we obtain the fractional Fokker-Planck equation for L{e}vy flights. Some results concerning stationary probability distributions of L{e}vy motion in symmetric smooth monostable potentials, and a general expression to calculate the nonlinear relaxation time in barrier crossing problems are derived. Finally we discuss results on the same characteristics and barrier crossing problems with L{e}vy flights, recently obtained with different approaches.
We investigate the transient dynamics of a short overdamped Josephson junction with a periodic driving signal in the presence of colored noise. We analyze noise induced henomena, specifically resonant activation and noise enhanced stability. We find that the positions both of the minimum of RA and maximum of NES depend on the value of the noise correlation time tau_c. Moreover, in the range where RA is observed, we find a non-monotonic behavior of the mean switching time as a function of the correlation time tau_c.
The functional method to derive the fractional Fokker-Planck equation for probability distribution from the Langevin equation with Levy stable noise is proposed. For the Cauchy stable noise we obtain the exact stationary probability density function of Levy flights in different smooth potential profiles. We find confinement of the particle in the superdiffusion motion with a bimodal stationary distribution for all the anharmonic symmetric monostable potentials investigated. The stationary probability density functions show power-law tails, which ensure finiteness of the variance. By reviewing recent results on these statistical characteristics, the peculiarities of Levy flights in comparison with ordinary Brownian motion are discussed.
Transient properties of different physical systems with metastable states perturbed by external white noise have been investigated. Two noise-induced phenomena, namely the noise enhanced stability and the resonant activation, are theoretically predicted in a piece-wise linear fluctuating potential with a metastable state. The enhancement of the lifetime of metastable states due to the noise, and the suppression of noise through resonant activation phenomenon will be reviewed in models of interdisciplinary physics: (i) dynamics of an overdamped Josephson junction; (ii) transient regime of the noisy FitzHugh-Nagumo model; (iii) population dynamics.

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