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475 - B. Husemann 2014
[abridged] We present optical integral field spectroscopy for a flux-limited sample of 19 QSOs at z<0.2 and spatially resolve their ionized gas properties at a physical resolution of 2-5kpc. The extended narrow line regions (ENLRs), photoionized by the radiation of AGN, have sizes of up to several kpc and correlate more strongly with the QSO continuum luminosity than with the integrated [OIII] luminosity. We find a relation of the form log(r)~(0.46+-0.04)log(L_5100), reinforcing the picture of an approximately constant ionization parameter for the ionized clouds across the ENLR. Besides the ENLR, we also find gas ionized by young massive stars in more than 50 per cent of the galaxies on kpc scales. In more than half of the sample, the specific star formation rates based on the extinction-corrected Ha luminosity are consistent with those of inactive disc-dominated galaxies, even for some bulge-dominated QSO hosts. Enhanced SFRs of up to 70Msun/yr are rare and always associated with signatures of major mergers. Comparison with the SFR based on the 60+100micron FIR luminosity suggests that the FIR luminosity is systematically contaminated by AGN emission and Ha appears to be a more robust and sensitive tracer for the star formation rate. Evidence for efficient AGN feedback is scarce in our sample, but some of our QSO hosts lack signatures of ongoing star formation leading to a reduced specific SFR with respect to the main sequence of galaxies. Based on 12 QSOs where we can make measurements, we find that on average bulge-dominated QSO host galaxies tend to fall below the mass-metallicity relation compared to their disc-dominated counterparts. While not yet statistically significant for our small sample, this may provide a useful diagnostic for future large surveys if this metal dilution can be shown to be linked to recent or ongoing galaxy interactions.
We present the first public data release of the CALIFA survey. It consists of science-grade optical datacubes for the first 100 of eventually 600 nearby (0.005<z<0.03) galaxies, obtained with the integral-field spectrograph PMAS/PPak mounted on the 3.5m telescope at the Calar Alto observatory. The galaxies in DR1 already cover a wide range of properties in color-magnitude space, morphological type, stellar mass, and gas ionization conditions. This offers the potential to tackle a variety of open questions in galaxy evolution using spatially resolved spectroscopy. Two different spectral setups are available for each galaxy, (i) a low-resolution V500 setup covering the nominal wavelength range 3745-7500A with a spectral resolution of 6.0A (FWHM), and (ii) a medium-resolution V1200 setup covering the nominal wavelength range 3650-4840A with a spectral resolution of 2.3A (FWHM). We present the characteristics and data structure of the CALIFA datasets that should be taken into account for scientific exploitation of the data, in particular the effects of vignetting, bad pixels and spatially correlated noise. The data quality test for all 100 galaxies showed that we reach a median limiting continuum sensitivity of 1.0x10^-18erg/s/cm^2/A/arcsec^2 at 5635A and 2.2x10^-18erg/s/cm^2/A/arcsec^2 at 4500A for the V500 and V1200 setup respectively, which corresponds to limiting r and g band surface brightnesses of 23.6mag/arcsec^2 and 23.4mag/arcsec^2, or an unresolved emission-line flux detection limit of roughly 1x10^-17erg/s/cm^2/arcsec^2 and 0.6x10^-17erg/s/cm^2/arcsec^2, respectively. The median spatial resolution is 3.7, and the absolute spectrophotometric calibration is better than 15% (1sigma). We also describe the available interfaces and tools that allow easy access to this first public CALIFA data.
(Abridged) We present a detailed analysis of a large sample of 31 low-redshift, mostly radio-quiet type 1 QSOs observed with integral field spectroscopy to study their extended emission-line regions (EELRs). We focus on the ionisation state of the gas, size and luminosity of extended narrow line regions (ENLRs), which corresponds to those parts of the EELR dominated by ionisation from the QSO, as well as the kinematics of the ionised gas. We detect EELRs around 19 of our 31 QSOs (61%) after deblending the unresolved QSO emission and the extended host galaxy light in the integral field data. We identify 13 EELRs to be entirely ionised by the QSO radiation, 3 EELRs are composed of HII regions and 3 EELRs display signatures of both ionisation mechanisms at different locations. The typical size of the ENLR is 10kpc at a median nuclear [OIII] luminosity of log(L([OIII])/[erg/s])=42.7+-0.15. We show that the ENLR sizes are least a factor of 2 larger than determined with HST, but are consistent with those of recently reported type 2 QSOs at matching [OIII] luminosities. The ENLR of type 1 and type 2 QSOs appear to follow the same size-luminosity relation. Furthermore, we show for the first time that the ENLR size is much better correlated with the QSO continuum luminosity than with the total/nuclear [OIII] luminosity. We show that ENLR luminosity and radio luminosity are correlated, and argue that radio jets even in radio-quiet QSOs are important for shaping the properties of the ENLR. Strikingly, the kinematics of the ionised gas is quiescent and likely gravitationally driven in the majority of cases and we find only 3 objects with radial gas velocities exceeding 400km/s in specific regions of the EELR that can be associate with radio jets. In general, these are significantly lower outflow velocities and detection rates compared to starburst galaxies or radio-loud QSOs.
108 - B. Husemann 2012
[Abridged] Detecting cosmic ray hits (cosmics) in fiber-fed IFS data of single exposures is a challenging task, because of the complex signal recorded by IFS instruments. Existing detection algorithms are commonly found to be unreliable in the case of IFS data and the optimal parameter settings are usually unknown a-priori for a given dataset. The CALIFA survey generates hundreds of IFS datasets for which a reliable and robust detection algorithm for cosmics is required as an important part of the fully automatic CALIFA data reduction pipeline. We developed a novel algorithm, PyCosmic, which combines the edge-detection algorithm of L.A.Cosmic with a point-spread function convolution scheme. We generated mock data to compute the efficiency of different algorithms for a wide range of characteristic fibre-fed IFS datasets using the PMAS and VIMOS IFS instruments as representative cases. PyCosmic is the only algorithm that achieves an acceptable detection performance for CALIFA data. We find that PyCosmic is the most robust tool with a detection rate of >~90% and a false detection rate <5% for any of the tested IFS data. It has one less free parameter than the L.A.Cosmic algorithm. Only for strongly undersampled IFS data does L.A.Cosmic exceed the performance of PyCosmic by a few per cent. DCR never reaches the efficiency of the other two algorithms and should only be used if computational speed is a concern. Thus, PyCosmic appears to be the most versatile cosmics detection algorithm for IFS data. It is implemented in the new CALIFA data reduction pipeline as well as in recen
192 - B. Husemann 2011
[abridged] The metallicities of AGN are usually well above solar in their NLR, often reaching up to several times solar in their broad-line regions. Low-metallicity AGN are rare objects which have so far always been associated with low-mass galaxies hosting low-mass BHs (M_BH<10^6Msun). In this paper we present IFS data of the low-redshift QSO HE 2158-0107 for which we find strong evidence for sub-solar NLR metallicities associated with a massive BH (M_BH~3x10^8Msun). The QSO is surrounded by a large extended emission-line region reaching out to 30kpc from the QSO in a tail-like geometry. We present optical and near-IR images and investigate the properties of the host galaxy. The SED of the host is rather blue, indicative of a significant young age stellar population formed within the last 1Gyr. A 3sigma upper limit of L_bulge<4.5x10^10Lsun for the H band luminosity and a corresponding stellar mass upper limit of M_bulge<3.4x10^10Msun show that the host is offset from the local BH-bulge relations. This is independently supported by the kinematics of the gas. Although the stellar mass of the host galaxy is lower than expected, it cannot explain the exceptionally low metallicity of the gas. We suggest that the extended emission-line region and the galaxy growth are caused by the infall of nearly pristine gas from the environment of the QSO host. Minor mergers of dwarf galaxies or the theoretically predicted smooth accretion of cold gas are both potential drivers behind that process. Since the metallicity of the gas in the NLR is much lower than expected, we suspect that the external gas has already reached the galaxy centre and may even contribute to the current feeding of the BH. HE 2158-0107 appears to represent a particular phase of substantial BH and galaxy growth that can be observationally linked with the accretion of external material from its environment.
99 - B. Husemann 2010
We present VIMOS integral field spectroscopy of the brightest radio-quiet QSO on the southern sky HE 1029-1401 at a redshift of z=0.086. Standard decomposition techniques for broad-band imaging are extended to integral field data in order to deblend the QSO and host emission. We perform a tentative analysis of the stellar continuum finding a young stellar population (<100Myr) or a featureless continuum embedded in an old stellar population (10Gyr) typical for a massive elliptical galaxy. The stellar velocity dispersion of sigma_*=320pm90 km/s and the estimated black hole mass log(M_BH/M_sun)=8.7pm0.3 are consistent with the local M_BH-sigma_* relation within the errors. For the first time we map the two-dimensional ionised gas distribution and the gas velocity field around HE 1029-1401. While the stellar host morphology is purely elliptical we find a highly structured distribution of ionised gas out to 16 kpc from the QSO. The gas is highly ionised solely by the QSO radiation and has a significantly lower metallicity than would be expected for the stellar mass of the host, indicating an external origin of the gas most likely due to minor mergers. We find a rotating gas disc around the QSO and a dispersion-dominated non-rotating gas component within the central 3 kpc. At larger distances the velocity field is heavily disturbed, which could be interpreted as another signature of past minor merger events. Alternatively, the arc-like structure seen in the ionised gas might also be indicative of a large-scale expanding bubble, centred on and possibly driven by the active nucleus.
112 - B. Husemann 2008
We searched for the presence of extended emission-line regions (EELRs) around low-redshift QSOs. We observed a sample of 20 mainly radio-quiet low-redshift quasars (z<0.3) by means of integral field spectroscopy. After decomposing the extended and nuclear emission components, we constructed [OIII] 5007 narrow-band images of the EELR to measure the total flux. From the same data we obtained high S/N (>50) nuclear spectra to measure properties such as [OIII]/Hbeta flux ratios, FeII equivalent widths and Hbeta line widths. A significant fraction of the quasars (8/20) show a luminous EELR, with detected linear sizes of several kpc. Whether or not a QSO has a luminous EELR is strongly related with nuclear properties, in the sense that an EELR was detected in objects with low FeII equivalent width and large Hbeta FWHM. The EELRs were detected preferentially in QSOs with larger black hole masses. There is no discernible relation, however, between EELR detection and QSO luminosity and Eddington ratio.

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