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194 - B. F. Hu , B. Cheng , R. H. Yuan 2014
The occurrences of collective quantum states, such as superconductivity (SC) and charge- or spin-densitywaves (CDWs or SDWs), are among the most fascinating phenomena in solids. To date much effort has been made to explore the interplay between different orders, yet little is known about the relationship of multiple orders of the same type. Here we report optical spectroscopy study on CDWs in the rare-earth tri-telluride compounds RTe3 (R = rare earth elements). Besides the prior reported two CDW orders, the study reveals unexpectedly the presence of a third CDW order in the series which evolves systematically with the size of R element. With increased chemical pressure, the first and third CDW orders are both substantially suppressed and compete with the second one by depleting the low energy spectral weight. A complete phase diagram for the multiple CDW orders in this series is established.
111 - R. Y. Chen , B. F. Hu , T. Dong 2014
Rare-earth tri-tellurium RTe$_3$ is a typical quasi-two dimensional system which exhibits obvious charge density wave (CDW) orders. So far, RTe$_3$ with heavier R ions (Dy, Ho, Er and Tm) are believed to experience two CDW phase transitions, while the lighter ones only hold one. TbTe$_3$ is claimed to belong to the latter. However in this work we present evidences that TbTe$_3$ also possesses more than one CDW order. Aside from the one at 336 K, which was extensively studied and reported to be driven by imperfect Fermi surface nesting with a wave vector $q=(2/7 c^*)$, a new CDW energy gap (260 meV) develops at around 165 K, revealed by both infrared reflectivity spectroscopy and ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. More intriguingly, the origin of this energy gap is different from the second CDW order in the heavier R ions-based compounds RTe$_3$ (R=Dy, Ho, Er and Tm).
136 - Y. Huang , B. F. Hu , T. Dong 2012
We present optical spectroscopy measurements on rare-earth ditelluride single crystals of LaTe$_{1.95}$ and CeTe$_{1.95-x}$Se$_x$ (x=0 and 0.16). The measurements reveal formation of charge density wave energy gaps at rather high energy levels, e.g. 2$Deltasim$ 8500 cm for LaTe$_{1.95}$, and 6800 cm for CeTe$_{1.95}$. More strikingly, the study reveals that, different from the rare-earth tri-tellurides, the Te vacancies and disorder effect play a key role in the low-energy charge excitations of ditelluride systems. Although an eminent peak is observed between 800 and 1500 cm in conductivity spectra for LaTe$_{1.95}$, and CeTe$_{1.95-x}$Se$_x$ (x=0. 0.16), our analysis indicates that it could not be attributed to the formation of a small energy gap, instead it could be well accounted for by the localization modified Drude model. Our study also indicates that the low-tempreature optical spectroscopic features are distinctly different from a semiconducting CDW state with entirely gapped Fermi surfaces.
90 - B. Cheng , B. F. Hu , R. Y. Chen 2012
Single-crystalline KFe2As2 and CaT2As2 (T = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) are synthesized and investigated by resistivity, susceptibility and optical spectroscopy. It is found that CaCu2As2 exhibits a similar transition to the lattice abrupt collapse transitions discovered in CaFe2(As1-xPx)2 and Ca1-xRexFe2As2 (Re-rare earth element). The resistivity of KFe2As2 and CaT2As2 (T = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) approximately follows the similar T^2 dependence at low temperature, but the magnetic behaviors vary with different samples. Optical measurement reveals the optical response of CaCu2As2 is not sensitive to the transition at 50 K, with no indication of development of a new energy gap below the transition temperature. Using Drude-Lorentz model, We find that two Drude terms, a coherent one and an incoherent one, can fit the low-energy optical conductivity of KFe2As2 and CaT2As2 (T = Fe, Co, Ni) very well. However, in CaCu2As2, which is a sp-band metal, the low-energy optical conductivity can be well described by a coherent Drude term. Lack of the incoherent Drude term in CaCu2As2 may be attributed to the weaker electronic correlation than KFe2As2 and CaT2As2 (T = Fe, Co, Ni). Spectral weight analysis of these samples indicates that the unconventional spectral weight transfer, which is related to Hunds coupling energy J_H, is only observed in iron pnictides, supporting the viewpoint that J_H may be a key clue to seek the mechanism of magnetism and superconductivity in pnictides.
111 - B. Cheng , B. F. Hu , R. H. Yuan 2012
CaCo$_{2}$As$_{2}$, a ThCr$_{2}$Si$_{2}$-structure compound, undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition at emph{T$_{N}$}=76K with the magnetic moments being aligned parallel to the emph{c} axis. Electronic transport measurement reveals that the coupling between conducting carriers and magnetic order in CaCo$_{2}$As$_{2}$ is much weaker comparing to the parent compounds of iron pnictide. Applying magnetic field along emph{c} axis induces two successive spin-flop transitions in its magnetic state. The magnetization saturation behaviors with emph{textbf{H}$parallel$c} and emph{textbf{H}$parallel$ab} at 10K indicate that the antiferromagnetic coupling along emph{c} direction is very weak. The interlayer antiferromagntic coupling constant emph{J$_{c}$} is estimated to be about 2 meV.
158 - B. F. Hu , P. Zheng , R. H. Yuan 2010
We performed optical spectroscopy measurement on single crystal of CeTe$_3$, a rare-earth element tri-telluride charge density wave (CDW) compound. The optical spectra are found to display very strong temperature dependence. Besides a large and pronounced CDW energy gap being present already at room temperature as observed in earlier studies, the present measurement revealed the formation of another energy gap at smaller energy scale at low temperature. The second CDW gap removes the electrons near E$_F$ which undergo stronger scattering. The study yields evidence for the presence of multiple CDW orders or strong fluctuations in the light rare-earth element tri-telluride.

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