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We analyse the clustering of cosmic large scale structure using a consistent modified gravity perturbation theory, accounting for anisotropic effects along and transverse to the line of sight. The growth factor has a particular scale dependence in f(R) gravity and we fit for the shape parameter f_{R0} simultaneously with the distance and the large scale (general relativity) limit of the growth function. Using more than 690,000 galaxies in the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey Data Release 11, we find no evidence for extra scale dependence, with the 95% confidence upper limit |f_{R0}| <8 times 10^{-4}. Future clustering data, such as from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, can use this consistent methodology to impose tighter constraints.
The apparent anisotropies of the galaxy clustering in observable redshift space provide a unique opportunity to simultaneously probe cosmic expansion and gravity on cosmological scales via the Alcock--Paczynski effect and redshift-space distortions. While the improved theoretical models have been proposed and developed to describe the apparent anisotropic clustering at weakly non-linear scales, the applicability of these models is still limited in the presence of the non--perturbative smearing effect caused by the randomness of the relative velocities. Although the cosmological constraint from the anisotropic clustering will be certainly improved with a more elaborate theoretical model, we here consider an alternative way by using the statistical power of both the power spectrum and bispectrum at large scales. Based on the Fisher matrix analysis, we estimate the benefit of combining the power spectra and bispectra, finding that the constraints on the cosmic expansion and growth of structure will be improved by a factor of two. This compensates for the loss of constraining power using the power spectrum alone due to the randomness of the relative velocities.
Redshift-space distortions (RSD) offer an attractive method to measure the growth of cosmic structure on large scales, and combining with the measurement of the cosmic expansion history, it can be used as cosmological tests of gravity. With the advent of future galaxy redshift surveys aiming at precisely measuring the RSD, an accurate modeling of RSD going beyond linear theory is a critical issue in order to detect or disprove small deviations from general relativity (GR). While several improved models of RSD have been recently proposed based on the perturbation theory (PT), the framework of these models heavily relies on GR. Here, we put forward a new PT prescription for RSD in general modified gravity models. As a specific application, we present theoretical predictions of the redshift-space power spectra in f(R) gravity model, and compare them with N-body simulations. Using the PT template that takes into account the effects of both modifications of gravity and RSD properly, we successfully recover the fiducial model parameter in N-body simulations in an unbiased way. On the other hand, we found it difficult to detect the scale dependence of the growth rate in a model-independent way based on GR templates.
Baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), known as one of the largest cosmological objects, is now recognized as standard cosmological tool to measure geometric distances via the Alcock-Paczynski effect, by which the observed BAO exhibits characteristic anisotropies in addition to the redshift distortions. This implies that once we know the correct distances to the observed BAO, the tip points of baryon acoustic peaks in the anisotropic correlation function of galaxies, $xi(sigma,pi)$, can form a great circle (hereafter 2D BAO circle) in the $sigma$ and $pi$ plane, where $sigma$ and $pi$ are the separation of galaxy pair parallel and perpendicular to the line-of-sight, respectively. This 2D BAO circle remains unchanged under the variations of the unknown galaxy bias and/or coherent motion, while it varies transversely and radially with respect to the variations of $D_A$ and $H^{-1}$, respectively. Hereby the ratio between transverse distance $D_A$ and the radial distance $H^{-1}$ reproduces the intrinsic shape of 2D BAO circle, which is {it a priori} given by the known broadband shape of spectra. All BAO peaks of $xi(sigma,pi)$ are precisely calculated with the improved theoretical model of redshift distortion. We test this broadband Alcock--Paczynski method using BOSS--like mock catalogues. The transverse and radial distances are probed in precision of several percentage fractional errors, and the coherent motion is observed to match with the fiducial values accurately.
The cosmological power spectrum of the coherent matter flow is measured exploiting an improved prescription for the apparent anisotropic clustering pattern in redshift space. New statistical analysis is presented to provide an optimal observational platform to link the improved redshift distortion theoretical model to future real datasets. The statistical power as well as robustness of our method are tested against 60 realizations of 8 Gpc/h^3 dark matter simulation maps mocking the precision level of upcoming wide--deep surveys. We showed that we can accurately extract the velocity power spectrum up to quasi linear scales of k~0.1 h/Mpc at z = 0.35 and up to k~0.15 h/Mpc at higher redshifts within a couple of percentage precision level. Our understanding of redshift space distortion is proved to be appropriate for precision cosmology, and our statistical method will guide us to righteous path to meet the real world.
Future or ongoing galaxy redshift surveys can put stringent constraints on neutrinos masses via the high-precision measurements of galaxy power spectrum, when combined with cosmic microwave background (CMB) information. In this paper we develop a method to model galaxy power spectrum in the weakly nonlinear regime for a mixed dark matter (CDM plus finite-mass neutrinos) model, based on perturbation theory (PT) whose validity is well tested by simulations for a CDM model. In doing this we carefully study various aspects of the nonlinear clustering and then arrive at a useful approximation allowing for a quick computation of the nonlinear power spectrum as in the CDM case. The nonlinear galaxy bias is also included in a self-consistent manner within the PT framework. Thus the use of our PT model can give a more robust understanding of the measured galaxy power spectrum as well as allow for higher sensitivity to neutrino masses due to the gain of Fourier modes beyond the linear regime. Based on the Fisher matrix formalism, we find that BOSS or Stage-III type survey, when combined with Planck CMB information, gives a precision of total neutrino mass constraint, sigma(m_nu,tot) 0.1eV, while Stage-IV type survey may achieve sigma(m_nu,tot) 0.05eV, i.e. more than a 1-sigma detection of neutrino masses. We also discuss possible systematic errors on dark energy parameters caused by the neutrino mass uncertainty. The significant correlation between neutrino mass and dark energy parameters is found, if the information on power spectrum amplitude is included. More importantly, for Stage-IV type survey, a best-fit dark energy model may be biased and falsely away from the underlying true model by more than the 1-sigma statistical errors, if neutrino mass is ignored in the model fitting.
In a general metric theory of gravitation in four dimensions, six polarizations of a gravitational wave are allowed: two scalar and two vector modes, in addition to two tensor modes in general relativity. Such additional polarization modes appear due to additional degrees of freedom in modified theories of gravitation or theories with extra dimensions. Thus, observations of gravitational waves can be utilized to constrain the extended models of gravitation. In this paper, we investigate detectability of additional polarization modes of gravitational waves, particularly focusing on a stochastic gravitational-wave background, with laser-interferometric detectors on the Earth. We found that multiple detectors can separate the mixture of polarization modes in detector outputs, and that they have almost the same sensitivity to each polarization mode of stochastic gravitational-wave background.
We use a series of cosmological N-body simulations and various analytic models to study the evolution of the matter power spectrum in real space in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter universe. We compare the results of N-body simulations against three analytical model predictions; standard perturbation theory, renormalized perturbation theory, and the closure approximation. We include the effects from finite simulation box size in the comparison. We determine the values of the maximum wavenumbers, k^{lim}_{1%} and k^{lim}_{3%}, below which the analytic models and the simulation results agree to within 1 and 3 percent, respectively. We then provide a simple empirical function which describes the convergence regime determined by comparison between our simulations and the analytical models. We find that if we use the Fourier modes within the convergence regime alone, the characteristic scale of baryon acoustic oscillations can be determined within 1% accuracy from future surveys with a volume of a few h^{-3}Gpc^3 at zsim1 or zsim3 in the absence of any systematic distortion of the power spectrum.
We discuss the polarization signature of primordial gravitational waves imprinted in cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. The high-energy physics motivated by superstring theory or M-theory generically yield parity violating terms, which may produce a circularly polarized gravitational wave background (GWB) during inflation. In contrast to the standard prediction of inflation with un-polarized GWB, circularly polarized GWB generates non-vanishing TB and EB-mode power spectra of CMB anisotropies. We evaluate the TB and EB-mode power spectra taking into account the secondary effects and investigate the dependence of cosmological parameters. We then discuss current constraints on the circularly polarized GWB from large angular scales (l < 16) of the three year WMAP data. Prospects for future CMB experiments are also investigated based on a Monte Carlo analysis of parameter estimation, showing that the circular polarization degree, varepsilon, which is the asymmetry of the tensor power spectra between right- and left-handed modes normalized by the total amplitude, can be measured down to |varepsilon| 0.35(r/0.05)^{-0.6}.

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