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A novel mechanism of asymmetric frequency conversion is investigated in nonlinear dispersive devices driven parametrically with a biharmonic pump. When the relative phase between the first and second harmonics combined in a two-tone pump is appropriately tuned, nonreciprocal frequency conversion, either upward or downward, can occur. Full directionality and efficiency of the conversion process is possible, provided that the distribution of pump power over the harmonics is set correctly. While this asymmetric conversion effect is generic, we describe its practical realization in a model system consisting of a current-biased, resistively-shunted Josephson junction (RSJ). Here, the multiharmonic Josephson oscillations, generated internally from the static current bias, provide the pump drive.
We present a new theoretical framework to analyze microwave amplifiers based on the dc SQUID. Our analysis applies input-output theory generalized for Josephson junction devices biased in the running state. Using this approach we express the high frequency dynamics of the SQUID as a scattering between the participating modes. This enables us to elucidate the inherently nonreciprocal nature of gain as a function of bias current and input frequency. This method can, in principle, accommodate an arbitrary number of Josephson harmonics generated in the running state of the junction. We report detailed calculations taking into account the first few harmonics that provide simple semi-quantitative results showing a degradation of gain, directionality and noise of the device as a function of increasing signal frequency. We also discuss the fundamental limits on device performance and applications of this formalism to real devices.
Nonreciprocal devices such as circulators and isolators belong to an important class of microwave components employed in applications like the measurement of mesoscopic circuits at cryogenic temperatures. The measurement protocols usually involve an amplification chain which relies on circulators to separate input and output channels and to suppress backaction from different stages on the sample under test. In these devices the usual reciprocal symmetry of circuits is broken by the phenomenon of Faraday rotation based on magnetic materials and fields. However, magnets are averse to on-chip integration, and magnetic fields are deleterious to delicate superconducting devices. Here we present a new proposal combining two stages of parametric modulation emulating the action of a circulator. It is devoid of magnetic components and suitable for on-chip integration. As the design is free of any dissipative elements and based on reversible operation, the device operates noiselessly, giving it an important advantage over other nonreciprocal active devices for quantum information processing applications.
We investigate the effects of pseudoscalar-photon mixing on electromagnetic radiation in the presence of correlated extragalactic magnetic fields. We model the Universe as a collection of magnetic domains and study the propagation of radiation through them. This leads to correlations between Stokes parameters over large scales and consistently explains the observed large-scale alignment of quasar polarizations at different redshifts within the framework of the big bang model.
We present the theory of a Josephson parametric amplifier employing two pump sources. Our calculations are based on Input-Output Theory, and can easily be generalized to any coupled system involving parametric interactions. We analyze the operation of the device, taking into account the feedback introduced by the reaction of the signal and noise on the pump power, and in this framework, compute the response functions of interest - signal and idler gains, internal gain of the amplifier, and self-oscillation signal amplitude. To account for this back-action between signal and pump, we adopt a mean-field approach and self-consistently explore the boundary between amplification and self-oscillation. The coincidence of bifurcation and self-oscillation thresholds reveals that the origin of coherent emission of the amplifier lies in the multi-wave mixing of the noise components. Incorporation of the back-action leads the system to exhibit hysteresis, dependent on parameters like temperature and detuning from resonance. Our analysis also shows that the resonance condition itself changes in the presence of back-action and this can be understood in terms of the change in plasma frequency of the junction. The potential of the double pump amplifier for quantum-limited measurements and as a squeezer is also discussed.

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