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187 - Anssi Lahtinen 2015
Examples of non-trivial higher string topology operations have been regrettably rare in the literature. In this paper, working in the context of string topology of classifying spaces, we provide explicit calculations of a wealth of non-trivial higher string topology operations associated to a number of different Lie groups. As an application of these calculations, we obtain an abundance of interesting homology classes in the twisted homology groups of automorphism groups of free groups, the ordinary homology groups of holomorphs of free groups, and the ordinary homology groups of affine groups over the integers and the field of two elements.
Let G be a compact Lie group. By work of Chataur and Menichi, the homology of the space of free loops in the classifying space of G is known to be the value on the circle in a homological conformal field theory. This means in particular that it admits operations parameterized by homology classes of classifying spaces of diffeomorphism groups of surfaces. Here we present a radical extension of this result, giving a new construction in which diffeomorphisms are replaced with homotopy equivalences, and surfaces with boundary are replaced with arbitrary spaces homotopy equivalent to finite graphs. The result is a novel kind of field theory which is related to both the diffeomorphism groups of surfaces and the automorphism groups of free groups with boundaries. Our work shows that the algebraic structures in string topology of classifying spaces can be brought into line with, and in fact far exceed, those available in string topology of manifolds. For simplicity, we restrict to the characteristic 2 case. The generalization to arbitrary characteristic will be addressed in a subsequent paper.
127 - Anssi Lahtinen 2012
In this note we prove the analogue of the Atiyah-Segal completion theorem for equivariant twisted K-theory in the setting of an arbitrary compact Lie group G and an arbitrary twisting of the usually considered type. The theorem generalizes a result by C. Dwyer, who has proven the theorem for finite G and twistings of a more restricted type. Whi
156 - Anssi Lahtinen 2007
This note explores the interaction between cohomology operations in a generalized cohomology theory and a string topology loop coproduct dual to the Chas--Sullivan loop product. More precisely, we ask for a description for the failure of a given operation to commute with the loop coproduct, and will obtain a satisfactory answer in the case where the operation preserves both sums and products. Examples of such operations include the total Steenrod square in ordinary mod 2 cohomology and the Adams operations in K-theory.

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