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We prove a version of the Sarkisov program for volume preserving birational maps of Mori fibred Calabi-Yau pairs valid in all dimensions. Our theorem generalises the theorem of Usnich and Blanc on factorisations of birational maps of the 2-dimensional torus that preserve the canonical volume form.
Let $Xsubset mathbb{P}^4$ be a terminal factorial quartic $3$-fold. If $X$ is non-singular, $X$ is emph{birationally rigid}, i.e. the classical MMP on any terminal $mathbb{Q}$-factorial projective variety $Z$ birational to $X$ always terminates with $X$. This no longer holds when $X$ is singular, but very few examples of non-rigid factorial quartics are known. In this article, we first bound the local analytic type of singularities that may occur on a terminal factorial quartic hypersurface $Xsubset mathbb{P}^4$. A singular point on such a hypersurface is either of type $cA_n$ ($ngeq 1$), or of type $cD_m$ ($mgeq 4$), or of type $cE_6, cE_7$ or $cE_8$. We first show that if $(P in X)$ is of type $cA_n$, $n$ is at most $7$, and if $(P in X)$ is of type $cD_m$, $m$ is at most $8$. We then construct examples of non-rigid factorial quartic hypersurfaces whose singular loci consist (a) of a single point of type $cA_n$ for $2leq nleq 7$ (b) of a single point of type $cD_m$ for $m= 4$ or $5$ and (c) of a single point of type $cE_k$ for $k=6,7$ or $8$.
The Sarkisov Program studies birational maps between varieties that are end products of the Minimal Model Program (MMP) on nonsingular uniruled varieties. If X and Y are terminal Q-factorial projective varieties endowed with a structure of Mori fibre space, any birational map between them can be decomposed into a finite number of elementary Sarkisov links. This decomposition is not unique in general, and any two distinct decompositions define a relation in the Sarkisov Program. This paper shows that relations in the Sarkisov Program are generated by some elementary relations. Roughly speaking, elementary relations are the relations among the end products of the MMP of Z over W, for suitable Z and W with relative Picard rank 3.
There are two main examples where a version of the Minimal Model Program can, at least conjecturally, be performed successfully: the first is the classical MMP associated to the canonical divisor, and the other is Mori Dream Spaces. In this paper we formulate a framework which generalises both of these examples. Starting from divisorial rings which are finitely generated, we determine precisely when we can run the MMP, and we show why finite generation alone is not sufficient to make the MMP work.
This paper studies the defect of terminal Gorenstein Fano 3 folds. I determine a bound on the defect of terminal Gorenstein Fano 3-folds of Picard rank 1 that do not contain a plane. I give a general bound for quartic 3-folds and indicate how to study the defect of terminal Gorenstein Fano 3-folds with Picard rank 1 that contain a plane.
This paper studies the birational geometry of terminal Gorenstein Fano 3-folds. If Y is not Q-factorial, in most cases, it is possible to describe explicitly the divisor class group Cl Y by running a Minimal Model Program (MMP) on X, a small Q-factorialisation of Y. In this case, Weil non-Cartier divisors are generated by topological traces of K-negative extremal contractions on X. One can show, as an application of these methods, that a number of families of non-factorial terminal Gorenstein Fano 3-folds are rational. In particular, I give some examples of rational quartic hypersurfaces with Cl Y of rank 2, and show that when Cl Y has rank greater than 6, Y is always rational.
The first aim of this note is to give a concise, but complete and self-contained, presentation of the fundamental theorems of Mori theory - the nonvanishing, base point free, rationality and cone theorems - using modern methods of multiplier ideals, Nadel vanishing, and the subadjunction theorem of Kawamata. The second aim is to write up a complete, detailed proof of existence of flips in dimension n assuming the minimal model program with scaling in dimension n-1.
In this thesis, I determine a bound on the defect of terminal Gorenstein quartic 3-folds. More generally, I study the defect of terminal Gorenstein Fano 3-folds of Picard rank 1 and genus at least 3. I state a geometric motivation of non Q-factoriality in the case of quartics.

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