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We prove that various subgroups of the mapping class group $Mod(Sigma)$ of a surface $Sigma$ are at least exponentially distorted. Examples include the Torelli group (answering a question of Hamenstadt), the point-pushing and surface braid subgroups, and the Lagrangian subgroup. Our techniques include a method to compute lower bounds on distortion via representation theory and an extension of Johnson theory to arbitrary subgroups of $H_1(Sigma;mathbb{Z})$.
317 - Andrew Putman 2017
We calculate the abelianizations of the level $L$ subgroup of the genus $g$ mapping class group and the level $L$ congruence subgroup of the $2g times 2g$ symplectic group for $L$ odd and $g geq 3$.
120 - Andrew Putman 2012
These are the lecture notes for my course at the 2011 Park City Mathematics Graduate Summer School. The first two lectures covered the basics of the Torelli group and the Johnson homomorphism, and the third and fourth lectures discussed the second cohomology group of the level p congruence subgroup of the mapping class group, following my papers The second rational homology group of the moduli space of curves with level structures and The Picard group of the moduli space of curves with level structures.
143 - Andrew Putman 2011
Let $Gamma$ be a finite-index subgroup of the mapping class group of a closed genus $g$ surface that contains the Torelli group. For instance, $Gamma$ can be the level $L$ subgroup or the spin mapping class group. We show that $H_2(Gamma;Q) cong Q$ for $g geq 5$. A corollary of this is that the rational Picard groups of the associated finite covers of the moduli space of curves are equal to $Q$. We also prove analogous results for surface with punctures and boundary components.
122 - Andrew Putman 2011
Proving a conjecture of Dennis Johnson, we show that the Torelli subgroup of the mapping class group has a finite generating set whose size grows cubically with respect to the genus of the surface. Our main tool is a new space called the handle graph on which the Torelli group acts cocompactly.
163 - Andrew Putman 2009
For $4 mid L$ and $g$ large, we calculate the integral Picard groups of the moduli spaces of curves and principally polarized abelian varieties with level $L$ structures. In particular, we determine the divisibility properties of the standard line bundles over these moduli spaces and we calculate the second integral cohomology group of the level $L$ subgroup of the mapping class group (in a previous paper, the author determined this rationally). This entails calculating the abelianization of the level $L$ subgroup of the mapping class group, generalizing previous results of Perron, Sato, and the author. Finally, along the way we calculate the first homology group of the mod $L$ symplectic group with coefficients in the adjoint representation.
126 - Andrew Putman 2009
For some $g geq 3$, let $Gamma$ be a finite index subgroup of the mapping class group of a genus $g$ surface (possibly with boundary components and punctures). An old conjecture of Ivanov says that the abelianization of $Gamma$ should be finite. In this note, we prove two theorems supporting this conjecture. For the first, let $T_x$ denote the Dehn twist about a simple closed curve $x$. For some $n geq 1$, we have $T_x^n in Gamma$. We prove that $T_x^n$ is torsion in the abelianization of $Gamma$. Our second result shows that the abelianization of $Gamma$ is finite if $Gamma$ contains a large chunk (in a certain technical sense) of the Johnson kernel, that is, the subgroup of the mapping class group generated by twists about separating curves. This generalizes work of Hain and Boggi.
109 - Andrew Putman 2009
We calculate the first homology group of the mapping class group with coefficients in the first rational homology group of the universal abelian $Z / L Z$-cover of the surface. If the surface has one marked point, then the answer is $Q^{tau(L)}$, where $tau(L)$ is the number of positive divisors of $L$. If the surface instead has one boundary component, then the answer is $Q$. We also perform the same calculation for the level $L$ subgroup of the mapping class group. Set $H_L = H_1(Sigma_g;Z/LZ)$. If the surface has one marked point, then the answer is $Q[H_L]$, the rational group ring of $H_L$. If the surface instead has one boundary component, then the answer is $Q$.
Let $f$ be the gluing map of a Heegaard splitting of a 3-manifold $W$. The goal of this paper is to determine the information about $W$ contained in the image of $f$ under the symplectic representation of the mapping class group. We prove three main results. First, we show that the first homology group of the three manifold together with Seiferts linking form provides a complete set of stable invariants. Second, we give a complete, computable set of invariants for these linking forms. Third, we show that a slight augmentation of Birmans determinantal invariant for a Heegaard splitting gives a complete set of unstable invariants.
We bound the value of the Casson invariant of any integral homology 3-sphere $M$ by a constant times the distance-squared to the identity, measured in any word metric on the Torelli group $T$, of the element of $T$ associated to any Heegaard splitting of $M$. We construct examples which show this bound is asymptotically sharp.

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