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We study the radial number density and stellar mass density distributions of satellite galaxies in a sample of 60 massive clusters at 0.04<z<0.26 selected from the Multi-Epoch Nearby Cluster Survey (MENeaCS) and the Canadian Cluster Comparison Project (CCCP). In addition to ~10,000 spectroscopically confirmed member galaxies, we use deep ugri-band imaging to estimate photometric redshifts and stellar masses, and then statistically subtract fore-, and background sources using data from the COSMOS survey. We measure the galaxy number density and stellar mass density distributions in logarithmically spaced bins over 2 orders of magnitude in radial distance from the BCGs. For projected distances in the range 0.1<R/R200<2.0, we find that the stellar mass distribution is well-described by an NFW profile with a concentration of c=2.03+/-0.20. However, at smaller radii we measure a significant excess in the stellar mass in satellite galaxies of about $10^{11}$ Msun per cluster, compared to these NFW profiles. We do obtain good fits to generalized NFW profiles with free inner slopes, and to Einasto profiles. To examine how clusters assemble their stellar mass component over cosmic time, we compare this local sample to the GCLASS cluster sample at z~1, which represents the approximate progenitor sample of the low-z clusters. This allows for a direct comparison, which suggests that the central parts (R<0.4 Mpc) of the stellar mass distributions of satellites in local galaxy clusters are already in place at z~1, and contain sufficient excess material for further BCG growth. Evolving towards z=0, clusters appear to assemble their stellar mass primarily onto the outskirts, making them grow in an inside-out fashion.
95 - Mauro Stefanon 2014
We build a Spitzer IRAC complete catalog of objects, obtained by complementing the $K_mathrm{s}$-band selected UltraVISTA catalog with objects detected in IRAC only. With the aim of identifying massive (i.e., $log(M_*/M_odot)>11$) galaxies at $4<z<7$, we consider the systematic effects on the measured photometric redshifts from the introduction of an old and dusty SED template and from the introduction of a bayesian prior taking into account the brightness of the objects, as well as the systematic effects from different star formation histories (SFHs) and from nebular emission lines in the recovery of stellar population parameters. We show that our results are most affected by the bayesian luminosity prior, while nebular emission lines and SFHs only introduce a small dispersion in the measurements. Specifically, the number of $4<z<7$ galaxies ranges from 52 to 382 depending on the adopted configuration. Using these results we investigate, for the first time, the evolution of the massive end of the stellar mass functions (SMFs) at $4<z<7$. Given the rarity of very massive galaxies in the early universe, major contributions to the total error budget come from cosmic variance and poisson noise. The SMF obtained without the introduction of the bayesian luminosity prior does not show any evolution from $zsim6.5$ to $zsim 3.5$, implying that massive galaxies could already be present when the Universe was $sim0.9$~Gyr old. However, the introduction of the bayesian luminosity prior reduces the number of $z>4$ galaxies with best fit masses $log(M_*/M_odot)>11$ by 83%, implying a rapid growth of very massive galaxies in the first 1.5 Gyr of cosmic history. From the stellar-mass complete sample, we identify one candidate of a very massive ($log(M_*/M_odot)sim11.5$), quiescent galaxy at $zsim5.4$, with MIPS $24mu$m detection suggesting the presence of a powerful obscured AGN.
We present an observational study of the stellar mass function of satellite galaxies around central galaxies at 0.2<z<1.2. Using statistical background subtraction of contaminating sources we derive satellite stellar mass distributions in four bins of central galaxy mass in three redshift ranges. Our results show that the stellar mass function of satellite galaxies increases with central galaxy mass, and that the distribution of satellite masses at fixed central mass is at most weakly dependent on redshift. We conclude that the average mass distribution of galaxies in groups is remarkably universal even out to z=1.2 and that it can be uniquely characterized by the group central galaxy mass. This further suggests that as central galaxies grow in stellar mass, they do so in tandem with the mass growth of their satellites. Finally, we classify all galaxies as either star forming or quiescent, and derive the mass functions of each subpopulation separately. We find that the mass distribution of both star forming and quiescent satellites show minimal redshift dependence at fixed central mass. However, while the fraction of quiescent satellite galaxies increases rapidly with increasing central galaxy mass, that of star forming satellites decreases.
We investigate the velocity vs. position phase space of z ~ 1 cluster galaxies using a set of 424 spectroscopic redshifts in 9 clusters drawn from the GCLASS survey. Dividing the galaxy population into three categories: quiescent, star-forming, and poststarburst, we find that these populations have distinct distributions in phase space. Most striking are the poststarburst galaxies, which are commonly found at small clustercentric radii with high clustercentric velocities, and appear to trace a coherent ``ring in phase space. Using several zoom simulations of clusters we show that the coherent distribution of the poststarbursts can be reasonably well-reproduced using a simple quenching scenario. Specifically, the phase space is best reproduced if satellite quenching occurs on a rapid timescale (0.1 < tau_{Q} < 0.5 Gyr) after galaxies make their first passage of R ~ 0.5R_{200}, a process that takes a total time of ~ 1 Gyr after first infall. We compare this quenching timescale to the timescale implied by the stellar populations of the poststarburst galaxies and find that the poststarburst spectra are well-fit by a rapid quenching (tau_{Q} = 0.4^{+0.3}_{-0.4} Gyr) of a typical star-forming galaxy. The similarity between the quenching timescales derived from these independent indicators is a strong consistency check of the quenching model. Given that the model implies satellite quenching is rapid, and occurs well within R_{200}, this would suggest that ram-pressure stripping of either the hot or cold gas component of galaxies are the most plausible candidates for the physical mechanism. The high cold gas consumption rates at z ~ 1 make it difficult to determine if hot or cold gas stripping is dominant; however, measurements of the redshift evolution of the satellite quenching timescale and location may be capable of distinguishing between the two.
We introduce a novel method to measure the masses of galaxy clusters at high redshift selected from optical and IR Spitzer data via the red-sequence technique. Lyman-break galaxies are used as a well understood, high-redshift background sample allowing mass measurements of lenses at unprecedented high redshifts using weak lensing magnification. By stacking a significant number of clusters at different redshifts with average masses of ~1-3x10^14M_sun, as estimated from their richness, we can calibrate the normalisation of the mass-richness relation. With the current data set (area: 6 deg^2) we detect a magnification signal at the >3-sigma level. There is good agreement between the masses estimated from the richness of the clusters and the average masses estimated from magnification, albeit with large uncertainties. We perform tests that suggest the absence of strong systematic effects and support the robustness of the measurement. This method - when applied to larger data sets in the future - will yield an accurate calibration of the mass-observable relations at z>~1 which will represent an invaluable input for cosmological studies using the galaxy cluster mass function and astrophysical studies of cluster formation. Furthermore this method will probably be the least expensive way to measure masses of large numbers of z>1 clusters detected in future IR-imaging surveys.
308 - Adam Muzzin 2009
Using a sample of nine massive compact galaxies at z ~ 2.3 with rest-frame optical spectroscopy and comprehensive U through 8um photometry we investigate how assumptions in SED modeling change the stellar mass estimates of these galaxies, and how this affects our interpretation of their size evolution. The SEDs are fit to Tau-models with a range of metallicities, dust laws, as well as different stellar population synthesis codes. These models indicate masses equal to, or slightly smaller than our default masses. The maximum difference is 0.16 dex for each parameter considered, and only 0.18 dex for the most extreme combination of parameters. Two-component populations with a maximally old stellar population superposed with a young component provide reasonable fits to these SEDs using the models of Bruzual & Charlot (2003); however, using models with updated treatment of TP-AGB stars the fits are poorer. The two-component models predict masses that are 0.08 to 0.22 dex larger than the Tau-models. We also test the effect of a bottom-light IMF and find that it would reduce the masses of these galaxies by 0.3 dex. Considering the range of allowable masses from the Tau-models, two-component fits, and IMF, we conclude that on average these galaxies lie below the mass-size relation of galaxies in the local universe by a factor of 3-9, depending on the SED models used.

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