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168 - Sasha Hinkley 2015
We report the detection of seven low mass companions to intermediate-mass stars (SpT B/A/F; $M$$approx$1.5-4.5 solar masses) in the Scorpius-Centaurus Association using nonredundant aperture masking interferometry. Our newly detected objects have contrasts $Delta L$$approx$4-6, corresponding to masses as low as $sim$20 Jupiter masses and mass ratios of $q$$approx$0.01-0.08, depending on the assumed age of the target stars. With projected separations $rho$$approx$10-30 AU, our aperture masking detections sample an orbital region previously unprobed by conventional adaptive optics imaging of intermediate mass Scorpius-Centaurus stars covering much larger orbital radii ($approx$30-3000 AU). At such orbital separations, these objects resemble higher ma
We present ALMA observations of the FW Tau system, a close binary pair of M5 stars with a wide-orbit (300 AU projected separation) substellar companion. The companion is extremely faint and red in the optical and near-infrared, but boasts a weak far-infrared excess and optical/near-infrared emission lines indicative of a primordial accretion disk of gas and dust. The component-resolved 1.3 mm continuum emission is found to be associated only with the companion, with a flux (1.78 +/- 0.03 mJy) that indicates a dust mass of 1-2 M_Earth. While this mass reservoir is insufficient to form a giant planet, it is more than sufficient to produce an analog of the Kepler-42 exoplanetary system or the Galilean satellites. The mass and geometry of the disk-bearing FW Tau companion remains unclear. Near-infrared spectroscopy shows deep water bands that indicate a spectral type later than M5, but substantial veiling prevents a more accurate determination of the effective temperature (and hence mass). Both a disk-bearing planetary-mass companion seen in direct light or a brown dwarf tertiary viewed in light scattered by an edge-on disk or envelope remain possibilities.
We report the selection and spectroscopic confirmation of 129 new late-type (K3-M6) members of the Tuc-Hor moving group, a nearby (~40 pc), young (~40 Myr) population of comoving stars. We also report observations for 13/17 known Tuc-Hor members in this spectral type range, and that 62 additional candidates are likely to be unassociated field stars; the confirmation frequency for new candidates is therefore 129/191 = 67%. We have used RVs, Halpha emission, and Li6708 absorption to distinguish contaminants and bona fide members. Our expanded census of Tuc-Hor increases the known population by a factor of ~3 in total and by a factor of ~8 for members with SpT>K3, but even so, the K-M dwarf population of Tuc-Hor is still markedly incomplete. The spatial distribution of members appears to trace a 2D sheet, with a broad distribution in X and Y, but a very narrow distribution (+/-5 pc) in Z. The corresponding velocity distribution is very small, with a scatter of +/-1.1 km/s about the mean UVW velocity. We also show that the isochronal age (20--30 Myr) and the lithium depletion age (40 Myr) disagree, following a trend seen in other PMS populations. The Halpha emission follows a trend of increasing EW with later SpT, as seen for young clusters. We find that members have been depleted of lithium for spectral types of K7.0-M4.5. Finally, our purely kinematic and color-magnitude selection procedure allows us to test the efficiency and completeness for activity-based selection of young stars. We find that 60% of K-M dwarfs in Tuc-Hor do not have ROSAT counterparts and would be omitted in Xray selected samples. GALEX UV-selected samples using a previously suggested criterion for youth achieve completeness of 77% and purity of 78%. We suggest new selection criteria that yield >95% completeness for ~40 Myr populations.(Abridged)
We report the discovery of three planetary-mass companions (M = 6--20 $M_{Jup}$) in wide orbits ($rho sim$ 150--300 AU) around the young stars FW Tau (Taurus-Auriga), ROXs 12 (Ophiuchus), and ROXs 42B (Ophiuchus). All three wide planetary-mass companions (PMCs) were reported as candidate companions in previous binary survey programs, but then were neglected for $>$10 years. We therefore obtained followup observations which demonstrate that each candidate is comoving with its host star. Based on the absolute $M_{K}$ magnitudes, we infer masses (from hot-start evolutionary models) and projected separations of 10 $pm$ 4 $M_{Jup}$ and 330 $pm$ 30 AU for FW Tau b, 16 $pm$ 4 $M_{Jup}$ and 210 $pm$ 20 AU for ROXs 12 b, and 10 $pm$ 4 $M_{Jup}$ and 140 $pm$ 10 AU for ROXs 42B b. We also present similar observations for ten other candidates which show that they are unassociated field stars, as well as multicolor JHKL near-infrared photometry for our new PMCs and for five previously-identified substellar or planetary-mass companions. The NIR photometry for our sample of eight known and new companions generally parallels the properties of free-floating low-mass brown dwarfs in these star-forming regions. However, 5 of the 7 objects with M $<$ 30 $M_{Jup}$ are redder in K-L than the distribution of young free-floating counterparts of similar J-K. We speculate that this distinction could indicate a structural difference in circum-planetary disks, perhaps tied to higher disk mass since at least two of the objects in our sample are known to be accreting more vigorously than typical free-floating counterparts.
We present a substantial extension of the mm-wave continuum photometry catalog for Taurus circumstellar dust disks. Combining new Submillimeter Array data with measurements in the literature, we construct a mm-wave luminosity distribution for Class II disks that is statistically complete for stellar hosts with spectral types earlier than M8.5 and has a (3-sigma) depth of ~3 mJy. The resulting census eliminates a longstanding bias against disks with late-type hosts, and thereby reveals a strong correlation between L_mm and the host spectral type. We confirm that this corresponds to a statistically robust relationship between the masses of dust disks and the stars that host them. A Bayesian regression technique is used to characterize these relationships: the results indicate a typical 1.3 mm flux density of 25 mJy for solar mass hosts and a power-law scaling L_mm propto M_star^1.5-2.0. We suggest that a reasonable treatment of dust temperature in the conversion from L_mm to M_disk favors an inherently linear M_disk propto M_star scaling, with a typical disk-to-star mass ratio of $sim$0.2--0.6%. The RMS dispersion around this regression is 0.7 dex, suggesting that the combined effects of diverse evolutionary states, dust opacities, and temperatures in these disks imprint a FWHM range of a factor of 40 on the inferred M_disk (or L_mm) at any given host mass. We argue that this relationship between M_disk and M_star likely represents the origin of the inferred correlation between giant planet frequency and host star mass in the exoplanet population, and provides some basic support for the core accretion model for planet formation. Moreover, we caution that selection bias must be considered in comparative studies of disk evolution, and illustrate that fact with statistical comparisons of L_mm between Taurus and other clusters (abridged).
79 - Adam L. Kraus 2012
The frequency and properties of multiple star systems offer powerful tests of star formation models. Multiplicity surveys over the past decade have shown that binary properties vary strongly with mass, but the functional forms and the interplay between frequency and semimajor axis remain largely unconstrained. We present the results of a large-scale survey of multiplicity at the bottom of the IMF in several nearby young associations, encompassing 78 very low mass members observed with Keck laser guide star adaptive optics. Our survey confirms the overall trend observed in the field for lower-mass binary systems to be less frequent and more compact, including a null detection for any substellar binary systems with separations wider than ~7 AU. Combined with a Bayesian re-analysis of existing surveys, our results demonstrate that the binary frequency and binary separations decline smoothly between masses of 0.5 Msun and 0.02 Msun, though we can not distinguish the functional form of this decline due to a degeneracy between the total binary frequency and the mean binary separation. We also show that the mass ratio distribution becomes progressively more concentrated at q~1 for declining masses, though a small number of systems appear to have unusually wide separations and low mass ratios for their mass. Finally, we compare our results to synthetic binary populations generated by smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations, noting the similarities and discussing possible explanations for the differences.
61 - Adam L. Kraus 2011
Young and directly imaged exoplanets offer critical tests of planet-formation models that are not matched by RV surveys of mature stars. These targets have been extremely elusive to date, with no exoplanets younger than 10--20 Myr and only a handful of direct-imaged exoplanets at all ages. We report the direct imaging discovery of a likely (proto)planet around the young (~2 Myr) solar analog LkCa 15, located inside a known gap in the protoplanetary disk (a transitional disk). Our observations use non-redundant aperture masking interferometry at 3 epochs to reveal a faint and relatively blue point source ($M_K=9.1+/-0.2, K-L=0.98+/-0.22), flanked by approximately co-orbital emission that is red and resolved into at least two sources (M_L=7.5+/-0.2, K-L=2.7+/-0.3; M_L=7.4+/-0.2, K-L=1.94+/-0.16). We propose that the most likely geometry consists of a newly-formed (proto)planet that is surrounded by dusty material. The nominal estimated mass is ~6 M_{Jup} according to the 1 Myr hot-start models. However, we argue based on its luminosity, color, and the presence of circumplanetary material that the planet has likely been caught at its epoch of assembly, and hence this mass is an upper limit due to its extreme youth and flux contributed by accretion. The projected separations (71.9 +/- 1.6 mas, 100.7 +/- 1.9 mas, and 88.2 +/- 1.8 mas) and deprojected orbital radii (16, 21, and 19 AU) correspond to the center of the disk gap, but are too close to the primary star for a circular orbit to account for the observed inner edge of the outer disk, so an alternate explanation (i.e., additional planets or an eccentric orbit) is likely required. This discovery is the first direct evidence that at least some transitional disks do indeed host newly-formed (or forming) exoplanetary systems, and the observed properties provide crucial insight into the gas giant formation process.
The fundamental properties of low-mass stars are not as well understood as those of their more massive counterparts. The best method for constraining these properties, especially masses and radii, is to study eclipsing binary systems, but only a small number of late-type (M0 or later) systems have been identified and well-characterized to date. We present the discovery and characterization of six new M dwarf eclipsing binary systems. The twelve stars in these eclipsing systems have masses spanning 0.38-0.59 Msun and orbital periods of 0.6--1.7 days, with typical uncertainties of ~0.3% in mass and 0.5--2.0% in radius. Combined with six known systems with high-precision measurements, our results reveal an intriguing trend in the low-mass regime. For stars with M=0.35-0.80 Msun, components in short-period binary systems (P<1 day; 12 stars) have radii which are inflated by up to 10% (mean=4.8+/-1.0%) with respect to evolutionary models for low-mass main-sequence stars, whereas components in longer-period systems (>1.5 days; 12 stars) tend to have smaller radii (mean=1.7+/-0.7%). This trend supports the hypothesis that short-period systems are inflated by the influence of the close companion, most likely because they are tidally locked into very high rotation speeds that enhance activity and inhibit convection. In summary, very close binary systems are not representative of typical M dwarfs, but our results for longer-period systems indicate that the evolutionary models are broadly valid in the M~0.35-0.80 Msun regime.
M-dwarfs in extremely wide binary systems are very rare, and may thus have different formation processes from those found as single stars or close binaries in the field. In this paper we search for close companions to a new sample of 36 extremely wide M-dwarf binaries, covering a spectral type range of M1 to M5 and a separation range of 600 - 6500 AU. We discover 10 new triple systems and one new quadruple system. We carefully account for selection effects including proper motion, magnitude limits, the detection of close binaries in the SDSS, and other sample biases. The bias-corrected total high-order-multiple fraction is 45% (+18%/-16%) and the bias-corrected incidence of quadruple systems is < 5%, both statistically compatible with that found for the more common close M-dwarf multiple systems. Almost all the detected companions have similar masses to their primaries, although two very low mass companions, including a candidate brown dwarf, are found at relatively large separations. We find that the close-binary separation distribution is strongly peaked towards < 30AU separations. There is marginally significant evidence for a change in high-order M-dwarf multiplicity with binding energy and total mass. We also find 2-sigma evidence of an unexpected increased high-order-multiple fraction for the widest targets in our survey, with a high-order-multiple fraction of 21% (+17%/-7%) for systems with separations up to 2000AU, compared to 77% (+9%/-22%) for systems with separations > 4000AU. These results suggest that the very widest M-dwarf binary systems need higher masses to form or to survive.
Multiple star systems are commonly assumed to form coevally; they thus provide the anchor for most calibrations of stellar evolutionary models. In this paper we study the binary population of the Taurus-Auriga association, using the component positions in an HR diagram in order to quantify the frequency and degree of coevality in young binary systems. After identifying and rejecting the systems that are known to be affected by systematic errors (due to further multiplicity or obscuration by circumstellar material), we find that the relative binary ages, |Delta log(tau)|, have an overall dispersion of sigma~0.40 dex. Random pairs of Taurus members are coeval only to within sigma~0.58 dex, indicating that Taurus binaries are indeed more coeval than the association as a whole. However, the distribution of |Delta log(tau)| suggests two populations, with ~2/3 of the sample appearing coeval to within the errors (sigma~0.16 dex) and the other ~1/3 distributed in an extended tail reaching |Delta log(tau)|~0.4-0.9 dex. To explain the finding of a multi-peaked distribution, we suggest that the tail of the differential age distribution includes unrecognized hierarchical multiples, stars seen in scattered light, or stars with disk contamination; additional followup is required to rule out or correct for these explanations. The relative coevality of binary systems does not depend significantly on the system mass, mass ratio, or separation. Indeed, any pair of Taurus members wider than ~10 (~0.7 pc) shows the full age spread of the association.

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