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We present parsec-scale resolution observations of the atomic and molecular ISM in two Galactic supershells, GSH 287+04-17 and GSH 277+00+36. HI synthesis images from the Australia Telescope Compact Array are combined with 12CO(J=1-0) data from the NANTEN telescope to reveal substantial quantities of molecular gas closely associated with both shells. These data allow us to confirm an enhanced level of molecularization over the volumes of both objects, providing the first direct observational evidence of increased molecular cloud production due to the influence of supershells. We find that the atomic shell walls are dominated by cold gas with estimated temperatures and densities of T ~ 100 K and n0 ~ 10 cm-3. Locally, the shells show rich substructure in both tracers, with molecular gas seen elongated along the inner edges of the atomic walls, embedded within HI filaments and clouds, or taking the form of small CO clouds at the tips of tapering atomic `fingers. We discuss these structures in the context of different formation scenarios, suggesting that molecular gas embedded within shell walls is well explained by in-situ formation from the swept up medium, whereas CO seen at the ends of fingers of HI may trace remnants of molecular clouds that pre-date the shells. A preliminary assessment of star formation activity within the shells confirms ongoing star formation in the molecular gas of both GSH 287+04-17 and GSH 277+00+36.
366 - Y. Fukui 2009
We compare the CO J =(1-0) and HI emission in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) in three dimensions, i.e. including a velocity axis in addition to the two spatial axes, with the aim of elucidating the physical connection between giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and their surrounding HI gas. The CO J =1-0 dataset is from the second NANTEN CO survey and the HI dataset is from the merged Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and Parkes Telescope surveys. The major findings of our analysis are: 1) GMCs are associated with an envelope of HI emission, 2) in GMCs [average CO intensity] is proportional to [average HI intensity]^[1.1+-0.1] and 3) the HI intensity tends to increase with the star formation activity within GMCs, from Type I to Type III. An analysis of the HI envelopes associated with GMCs shows that their average linewidth is 14 km s-1 and the mean density in the envelope is 10 cm-3. We argue that the HI envelopes are gravitationally bound by GMCs. These findings are consistent with a continual increase in the mass of GMCs via HI accretion at an accretion rate of 0.05 Msun/yr over a time scale of 10 Myr. The growth of GMCs is terminated via dissipative ionization and/or stellar-wind disruption in the final stage of GMC evolution.
We studied star formation activities in the molecular clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We have utilized the second catalog of 272 molecular clouds obtained by NANTEN to compare the cloud distribution with signatures of massive star formation including stellar clusters, and optical and radio HII regions. We find that the molecular clouds are classified into three types according to the activities of massive star formation; Type I shows no signature of massive star formation, Type II is associated with relatively small HII region(s) and Type III with both HII region(s) and young stellar cluster(s). The radio continuum sources were used to confirm that Type I GMCs do not host optically hidden HII regions. These signatures of massive star formation show a good spatial correlation with the molecular clouds in a sense they are located within ~100 pc of the molecular clouds. Among possible ideas to explain the GMC Types, we favor that the Types indicate an evolutionary sequence; i.e., the youngest phase is Type I, followed by Type II and the last phase is Type III, where the most active star formation takes place leading to cloud dispersal. The number of the three types of GMCs should be proportional to the time scale of each evolutionary stage if a steady state of massive star and cluster formation is a good approximation. By adopting the time scale of the youngest stellar clusters, 10 Myrs, we roughly estimate the timescales of Types I, II and III to be 6 Myrs, 13 Myrs and 7 Myrs, respectively, corresponding to a lifetime of 20-30 Myrs for the GMCs with a mass above the completeness limit, 5 x 10^4 Msun.
We present a catalogue of 12CO(J=1-0) and 13CO(J=1-0) molecular clouds in the spatio-velocity range of the Carina Flare supershell, GSH 287+04-17. The data cover a region of ~66 square degrees and were taken with the NANTEN 4m telescope, at spatial and velocity resolutions of 2.6 and 0.1 km/s. Decomposition of the emission results in the identification of 156 12CO clouds and 60 13CO clouds, for which we provide observational and physical parameters. Previous work suggests the majority of the detected mass forms part of a comoving molecular cloud complex that is physically associated with the expanding shell. The cloud internal velocity dispersions, degree of virialization and size-linewidth relations are found to be consistent with those of other Galactic samples. However, the vertical distribution is heavily skewed towards high-altitudes. The robust association of high-z molecular clouds with a known supershell provides some observational backing for the theory that expanding shells contribute to the support of a high-altitude molecular layer.

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