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106 - A. Jesche , L. Ke , J. L. Jacobs 2015
Substantial amounts of the transition metals Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni can be substituted for Li in single crystalline Li$_2$(Li$_{1-x}T_x$)N. Isothermal and temperature-dependent magnetization measurements reveal local magnetic moments with magnitudes significantly exceeding the spin-only value. The additional contributions stem from unquenched orbital moments that lead to rare-earth-like behavior of the magnetic properties. Accordingly, extremely large magnetic anisotropies have been found. Most notably, the magnetic anisotropy alternates as easy-plane $rightarrow$ easy-axis $rightarrow$ easy-plane $rightarrow$ easy-axis when progressing from $T$ = Mn $rightarrow$ Fe $rightarrow$ Co $rightarrow$ Ni. This behavior can be understood based on a perturbation approach in an analytical, single-ion model. The calculated magnetic anisotropies show a surprisingly good agreement with the experiment and capture the basic features observed for the different transition metals.
Large magnetic anisotropy and coercivity are key properties of functional magnetic materials and are generally associated with rare earth elements. Here we show an extreme, uniaxial magnetic anisotropy and the emergence of magnetic hysteresis in Li2(Li1-xFex)N. An extrapolated, magnetic anisotropy field of 220 Tesla and a coercivity field of over 11 Tesla at 2 Kelvin outperform all known hard-ferromagnets and single-molecule magnets (SMMs). Steps in the hysteresis loops and relaxation phenomena in striking similarity to SMMs are particularly pronounced for x << 1 and indicate the presence of nano-scale magnetic centres. Quantum tunnelling, in form of temperature-independent relaxation and coercivity, deviation from Arrhenius behaviour and blocking of the relaxation, dominates the magnetic properties up to 10 Kelvin. The simple crystal structure, the availability of large single crystals, and the ability to vary the Fe concentration make Li2(Li1-xFex)N (i) an ideal model system to study macroscopic quantum effects at elevated temperatures and (ii) a basis for novel functional magnetic materials.
110 - K. Mydeen , E. Lengyel , A. Jesche 2012
We carried out a combined P-substitution and hydrostatic pressure study on CeFeAs_1-xP_xO single crystals in order to investigate the peculiar relationship of the local moment magnetism of Ce, the ordering of itinerant Fe moments, and their connection with the occurrence of superconductivity. Our results evidence a close relationship between the weakening of Fe magnetism and the change from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic ordering of Ce moments at p*=1.95 GPa in CeFeAs_0.78P_0.22O. The absence of superconductivity in CeFeAs_0.78P_0.22O and the presence of a narrow and strongly pressure sensitive superconducting phase in CeFeAs_0.70P_0.30O and CeFeAs_0.65P_0.35O indicate the detrimental effect of the Ce magnetism on superconductivity in P-substituted CeFeAsO.
Single crystals of LaFeAsO were successfully grown out of KI flux. Temperature dependent electrical resistivity was measured with current flow along the basal plane, rho_perpend(T), as well as with current flow along the crystallographic c-axis, rho_parallel(T), the latter one utilizing electron beam lithography and argon ion beam milling. The anisotropy ratio was found to lie between rho_parallel/rho_perpend = 20 - 200. The measurement of rho_perpend(T) was performed with current flow along the tetragonal [1 0 0] direction and along the [1 1 0] direction and revealed a clear in-plane anisotropy already at T leq 175 K. This is significantly above the orthorhombic distortion at T_0 = 147 K and indicates the formation of an electron nematic phase. Magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity give evidence for a change of the magnetic structure of the iron atoms from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic arrangement along the c-axis at T^ast = 11 K.
Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, supplemented by theoretical calculations has been applied to study the electronic structure of heavy-fermion material CeFePO, a homologue to the Fe-based high-temperature superconductors, and CeFeAs_0.7P_0.3O, where the applied chemical pressure results in a ferromagnetic order of the 4f moments. A comparative analysis reveals characteristic differences in the Fe-derived band structure for these materials, implying a rather different hybridization of valence electrons to the localized 4f orbitals. In particular, our results suggest that the ferromagnetism of Ce moments in CeFeAs_0.7P_0.3O is mediated mainly by Fe 3d_xz/yz orbitals, while the Kondo screening in CeFePO is instead due to a strong interaction of Fe 3d_3z^2-r^2 orbitals.
A new crystal growth technique for single-crystals of REFeAsO (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, and Tb) using NaI/KI as flux is presented. Crystals with a size up to 300 $mu$m were isolated for single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements. Lattice parameters were determined by LeBail fits of X-ray powder data against LaB6 standard. A consistent set of structural data is obtained and interpreted in a hard-sphere model. Effective radii for the rare-earth metal atoms for REFeAsO are deduced. The relation of the intra- and inter-plane distances of the arsenic atoms is identified as limiter of the phase formation, and its influence on Tc is discussed.
Being homologue to the new, Fe-based type of high-temperature superconductors, CeFePO exhibits magnetism, Kondo and heavy-fermion phenomena. We experimentally studied the electronic structure of CeFePO by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. In particular, contributions of the Ce 4f-derived states and their hybridization to the Fe 3d bands were explored using both symmetry selection rules for excitation and their photoionization cross-section variations as a function of photon energy. It was experimentally found - and later on confirmed by LDA as well as DMFT calculations - that the Ce 4f states hybridize to the Fe 3d states of d_{3z^2-r^2} symmetry near the Fermi level that discloses their participation in the occurring electron-correlation phenomena and provides insight into mechanism of superconductivity in oxopnictides.

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