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We discuss the clustering properties of galaxies with signs of ongoing star formation detected by the Spitzer Space Telescope at 24mum band in the SWIRE Lockman Hole field. The sample of mid-IR-selected galaxies includes ~20,000 objects detected above a flux threshold of S24mum=310muJy. We adopt optical/near-IR color selection criteria to split the sample into the lower-redshift and higher-redshift galaxy populations. We measure the angular correlation function on scales of theta=0.01-3.5 deg, from which, using the Limber inversion along with the redshift distribution established for similarly selected source populations in the GOODS fields (Rodighiero et al. 2010), we obtain comoving correlation lengths of r0=4.98+-0.28 h^-1 Mpc and r0 =8.04+-0.69 h^-1 Mpc for the low-z (<z>=0.7) and high-z (<z>=1.7) subsamples, respectively. Comparing these measurements with the correlation functions of dark matter halos identified in the Bolshoi cosmological simulation (Klypin et al. 2011}, we find that the high-redshift objects reside in progressively more massive halos reaching Mtot>3e12 h^-1 Msun, compared to Mtot>7e11 h^-1 Msun for the low-redshift population. Approximate estimates of the IR luminosities based on the catalogs of 24mum sources in the GOODS fields show that our high-z subsample represents a population of distant ULIRGs with LIR>10^12Lsun, while the low-z subsample mainly consists of LIRGs, LIR~10^11Lsun. The comparison of number density of the 24mum selected galaxies and of dark matter halos with derived minimum mass Mtot shows that only 20% of such halos may host star-forming galaxies.
Local luminosity functions are fundamental benchmarks for high-redshift galaxy formation and evolution studies as well as for models describing these processes. Determining the local luminosity function in the submillimeter range can help to better constrain in particular the bolometric luminosity density in the local Universe, and Herschel offers the first opportunity to do so in an unbiased way by imaging large sky areas at several submillimeter wavelengths. We present the first Herschel measurement of the submillimeter 0<z<0.2 local luminosity function and infrared bolometric (8-1000 $mu$m) local luminosity density based on SPIRE data from the HerMES Herschel Key Program over 14.7 deg^2. Flux measurements in the three SPIRE channels at 250, 350 and 500 mum are combined with Spitzer photometry and archival data. We fit the observed optical-to-submillimeter spectral energy distribution of SPIRE sources and use the 1/V_{max} estimator to provide the first constraints on the monochromatic 250, 350 and 500 mum as well as on the infrared bolometric (8-1000 mum) local luminosity function based on Herschel data. We compare our results with modeling predictions and find a slightly more abundant local submillimeter population than predicted by a number of models. Our measurement of the infrared bolometric (8-1000 mum) local luminosity function suggests a flat slope at low luminosity, and the inferred local luminosity density, 1.31_-0.21^+0.24 x 10^8 Lsun Mpc^-3, is consistent with the range of values reported in recent literature.
(abridged) The ESIS survey is the optical follow up of the SWIRE/Spitzer in the ELAIS-S1 region of the sky. In the era of observational cosmology, the main efforts are focused on the study of galaxy evolution and its environmental dependence. Wide area, multiwavelength, extragalactic surveys are needed in order to probe sufficiently large volumes, minimize cosmic variance and find significant numbers of rare objects. We present VIMOS I and z band imaging belonging to the ESIS survey. A total of ~4 deg2 were targeted in I and ~1 deg2 in z. More than 300000 galaxies have been detected in the I band and ~50000 in the z band. Object coordinates are defined within an uncertainty of ~0.2 arcsec r.m.s., with respect to GSC 2.2. We reach a 90% average completeness at 23.1 and 22.5 mag (Vega) in the I and z bands, respectively. On the basis of IRAC colors, we identified galaxies having the 1.6 um stellar peak shifted to z=1-3. The new I, z band data provide reliable constraints to avoid low-redshift interlopers and reinforce this selection. Roughly 1000 galaxies between z=2-3 were identified over the ESIS ~4 deg2, at the SWIRE 5.8 um depth (25.8 uJy at 3sigma). These are the best galaxy candidates to dominate the massive tail (M>1e11 Msun) of the z>2 mass function.
We derive the properties of dusty tori in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) from the comparison of observed Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of SDSS quasars and a precomputed grid of torus models. The observed SEDs comprise SDSS photometry, 2MASS J, H, and K data, whenever available and mid-Infrared (MIR) data from the Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic (SWIRE) Survey. The adopted model is that of Fritz et al., 2006. The fit is performed by standard chi^2 minimisation, the model however can be multi-component comprising a stellar and a starburst components, whenever necessary. Models with low equatorial optical depth, tau_9.7, were allowed as well as ``traditional models with tau_9.7 > 1.0, corresponding to A_V > 22 and the results were compared. Fits using high optical depth tori models only produced dust more compactly distributed than in the configuration where all tau_9.7 models were permitted. Tori with decreasing dust density with the distance from the centre were favoured while there was no clear preference for models with or without angular variation of the dust density. The computed outer radii of the tori are of some tens of parsecs large but can reach, in a few cases, a few hundreds of parsecs. The mass of dust, M_Dust, and infrared luminosity, L_IR, integrated in the wavelength range between 1 and 1000 micron, do not show significant variations with redshift, once the observational biases are taken into account. Objects with 70 micron detections, representing 25% of the sample, are studied separately and the starburst contribution (whenever present) to the IR luminosity can reach, in the most extreme but very few cases, 80%.

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