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New generation TeV gamma-ray telescopes have discovered many new sources, including several enigmatic unidentified TeV objects. HESS J0632+057 is a particularly interesting unidentified TeV source since: it is a point source, it has a possible hard-spectrum X-ray counterpart and a positionally consistent Be star, it has evidence of long-term VHE flux variability, and it is postulated to be a newly detected TeV/X-ray binary. We have obtained Swift X-ray telescope observations of this source from MJD 54857 to 54965, in an attempt to ascertain its nature and to investigate the hypothesis that its a previously unknown X-ray/TeV binary. Variability and spectral properties similar to those of the other 3 known X-ray/TeV binaries have been observed, with measured flux increases by factors of approximately 3. X-ray variability is present on multiple timescales including days to months; however, no clear signature of periodicity is present on the timescales probed by these data. If binary modulation is present and dominating the measured variability, then the period of the orbit is likely to be more than 54 days (half of this campaign), or it has a shorter period with a variable degree of flux modulation on successive high states. If the two high states measured to date are due to binary modulation, then the favored period is approximately 35-40 days. More observations are required to determine if this object is truly a binary system and to determine the extent that the measured variability is due to inter-orbit flaring effects or periodic binary modulation.
JANUS is a NASA small explorer class mission which just completed phase A and was intended for a 2013 launch date. The primary science goals of JANUS are to use high redshift (6<z<12) gamma ray bursts and quasars to explore the formation history of the first stars in the early universe and to study contributions to reionization. The X-Ray Flash Monitor (XRFM) and the Near-IR Telescope (NIRT) are the two primary instruments on JANUS. XRFM has been designed to detect bright X-ray flashes (XRFs) and gamma ray bursts (GRBs) in the 1-20 keV energy band over a wide field of view (4 steradians), thus facilitating the detection of z>6 XRFs/GRBs, which can be further studied by other instruments. XRFM would use a coded mask aperture design with hybrid CMOS Si detectors. It would be sensitive to XRFs/GRBs with flux in excess of approximately 240 mCrab. The spacecraft is designed to rapidly slew to source positions following a GRB trigger from XRFM. XRFM instrument design parameters and science goals are presented in this paper.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been an enigma since their discovery forty years ago. However, considerable progress unraveling their mysteries has been made in recent years. Developments in observations, theory, and instrumentation have prepared the way so that the next decade can be the one in which we finally answer the question, What are gamma-ray bursts? This question encompasses not only what the progenitors are that produce the GRBs, but also how the enormous luminosity of the GRBs, concentrated in gamma rays, is achieved. Observations across the electromagnetic spectrum, from both the ground and space, will be required to fully tackle this important question. This white paper, mostly distilled from a recent study commissioned by the Division of Astrophysics of the American Physical Society, focuses on what very high energy (~100 GeV and above) gamma-ray observations can contribute. Very high energy gamma rays probe the most extreme high energy particle populations in the burst environment, testing models of lepton and proton acceleration in GRBs and constraining the bulk Lorentz factor and opacity of the outflow. Sensitivity improvements of more than an order of magnitude in the very high energy gamma-ray band can be achieved early in the next decade, in order to contribute to this science.
This is a report on the findings of the gamma ray burst working group for the white paper on the status and future of TeV gamma-ray astronomy. The white paper is an APS commissioned document, and the overall version has also been released and can be found on astro-ph. This detailed section of the white paper discusses the status of past and current attempts to observe gamma ray bursts at GeV-TeV energies. We concentrate on the potential of future ground-based gamma-ray experiments to observe the highest energy emission ever recorded for GRBs, particularly for those that are nearby and have high Lorentz factors in the GRB jet. It is clear that major advances are possible and that the detection of very high energy emission would have strong implications for GRB models, as well as cosmic ray origin.
This is a short report on the preliminary findings of the gamma ray burst (GRB) working group for the white paper on the status and future of very high energy (VHE; >50 GeV) gamma-ray astronomy. The white paper discusses the status of past and current attempts to observe GRBs at GeV-TeV energies, including a handful of low-significance, possible detections. The white paper concentrates on the potential of future ground-based gamma-ray experiments to observe the highest energy emission ever recorded for GRBs, particularly for those that are nearby and have high Lorentz factors in the GRB jet. It is clear that the detection of VHE emission would have strong implications for GRB models, as well as cosmic ray origin. In particular, the extended emission phase (including both afterglow emission and possible flaring) of nearby long GRBs could provide the best possibility for detection. The difficult-to-obtain observations during the prompt phase of nearby long GRBs and short GRBs could also provide particularly strong constraints on the opacity and bulk Lorentz factors surrounding the acceleration site. The synergy with upcoming and existing observatories will, of course, be critical for both identification of GRBs and for multiwavelength/multimessenger studies.
Swift-XRT observations of the X-ray emission from gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and during the GRB afterglow have led to many new results during the past two years. One of these exciting results is that approximately 1/3-1/2 of GRBs contain detectable X-ray flares. The mean fluence of the X-ray flares is ~10 times less than that of the initial prompt emission, but in some cases the flare is as energetic as the prompt emission itself. The flares display fast rises and decays, and they sometimes occur at very late times relative to the prompt emission (sometimes as late as 10^5 s after T_0) with very high peak fluxes relative to the underlying afterglow decay that has clearly begun prior to some flares. The temporal and spectral properties of the flares are found to favor models in which flares arise due to the same GRB internal engine processes that spawned the prompt GRB emission. Therefore, both long and short GRB internal engine models must be capable of producing high fluences in the X-ray band at very late times.
99 - A. D. Falcone 2007
Observations of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) with Swift produced the initially surprising result that many bursts have large X-ray flares superimposed on the underlying afterglow. The flares were sometimes intense, had rapid rise and decay phases, and occurred late relative to the ``prompt phase. Some remarkable flares are observed with fluence comparable to the prompt GRB fluence. Many GRBs have several flares, which are sometimes overlapping. Short, intense, repetitive, and late flaring can be most easily understood within the context of the standard fireball model with the internal engine that powers the prompt GRB emission in an active state at late times. However, other models for flares have been proposed. Flare origin can be investigated by comparing the flare spectra to that of the afterglow and the initial prompt emission. In this work, we have analyzed all significant X-ray flares from the first 110 GRBs observed by Swift. From this sample 33 GRBs were found to have significant X-ray flares, with 77 flares that were detected above the 3$sigma$ level. In addition to temporal analysis presented in a companion paper, a variety of spectral models have been fit to each flare. In some cases, we find that the spectral fits favor a Band function model, which is more akin to the prompt emission than to that of an afterglow. We find that the average fluence of the flares is 2.4e-7 erg/cm^2/s in the 0.2-10 keV energy band, which is approximately a factor of ten below the average prompt GRB fluence. These results, when combined with those presented in the companion paper on temporal properties of flares, supports the hypothesis that most X-ray flares are late-time activity of the internal engine that spawned the initial GRB; not an afterglow related effect.

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