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We examine the gas circulation near a gap opened by a giant planet in a protoplanetary disk. We show with high resolution 3D simulations that the gas flows into the gap at high altitude over the mid-plane, at a rate dependent on viscosity. We explain this observation with a simple conceptual model. From this model we derive an estimate of the amount of gas flowing into a gap opened by a planet with Hill radius comparable to the scale-height of a layered disk (i. e. a disk with viscous upper layer and inviscid midplane). Our estimate agrees with modern MRI simulations(Gressel et al., 2013). We conclude that gap opening in a layered disk can not slow down significantly the runaway gas accretion of Saturn to Jupiter-mass planets.
In the core-accretion model the nominal runaway gas-accretion phase brings most planets to multiple Jupiter masses. However, known giant planets are predominantly Jupiter-mass bodies. Obtaining longer timescales for gas accretion may require using realistic equations of states, or accounting for the dynamics of the circumplanetary disk (CPD) in low-viscosity regime, or both. Here we explore the second way using global, three-dimensional isothermal hydrodynamical simulations with 8 levels of nested grids around the planet. In our simulations the vertical inflow from the circumstellar disk (CSD) to the CPD determines the shape of the CPD and its accretion rate. Even without prescribed viscosity Jupiters mass-doubling time is $sim 10^4$ years, assuming the planet at 5.2 AU and a Minimum Mass Solar Nebula. However, we show that this high accretion rate is due to resolution-dependent numerical viscosity. Furthermore, we consider the scenario of a layered CSD, viscous only in its surface layer, and an inviscid CPD. We identify two planet-accretion mechanisms that are independent of the viscosity in the CPD: (i) the polar inflow -- defined as a part of the vertical inflow with a centrifugal radius smaller than 2 Jupiter-radii and (ii) the torque exerted by the star on the CPD. In the limit of zero effective viscosity, these two mechanisms would produce an accretion rate 40 times smaller than in the simulation.
Recent observations of exoplanets by direct imaging, reveal that giant planets orbit at a few dozens to more than a hundred of AU from their central star. The question of the origin of these planets challenges the standard theories of planet formation. We propose a new way of obtaining such far planets, by outward migration of a pair of planets formed in the 10 AU region. Two giant planets in mean motion resonance in a common gap in the protoplanetary disk migrate outwards, if the inner one is significantly more massive than the outer one. Using hydrodynamical simulations, we show that their semi major axes can increase by almost one order of magnitude. In a flared disk, the pair of planets should reach an asymptotic radius. This mechanism could account for the presence of Fomalhaut b ; then, a second, more massive planet, should be orbiting Fomalhaut at about 75 AU.
89 - A. Crida , C. Baruteau , W. Kley 2009
Numerical simulations of planets embedded in protoplanetary gaseous discs are a precious tool for studying the planetary migration ; however, some approximations have to be made. Most often, the selfgravity of the gas is neglected. In that case, it is not clear in the literature how the material inside the Roche lobe of the planet should be taken into account. Here, we want to address this issue by studying the influence of various methods so far used by different authors on the migration rate. We performed high-resolution numerical simulations of giant planets embedded in discs. We compared the migration rates with and without gas selfgravity, testing various ways of taking the circum-planetary disc (CPD) into account. Different methods lead to significantly different migration rates. Adding the mass of the CPD to the perturbing mass of the planet accelerates the migration. Excluding a part of the Hill sphere is a very touchy parameter that may lead to an artificial suppression of the type III, runaway migration. In fact, the CPD is smaller than the Hill sphere. We recommend excluding no more than a 0.6 Hill radius and using a smooth filter. Alternatively, the CPD can be given the acceleration felt by the planet from the rest of the protoplanetary disc. The gas inside the Roche lobe of the planet should be very carefully taken into account in numerical simulations without any selfgravity of the gas. The entire Hill sphere should not be excluded. The method used should be explicitly given. However, no method is equivalent to computing the full selfgravity of the gas.

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