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194 - C.M. Casey , A. Cooray , P. Capak 2015
Numerical simulations of cosmological structure formation show that the Universes most massive clusters, and the galaxies living in those clusters, assemble rapidly at early times (2.5 < z < 4). While more than twenty proto-clusters have been observed at z > 2 based on associations of 5-40 galaxies around rare sources, the observational evidence for rapid cluster formation is weak. Here we report observations of an asymmetric, filamentary structure at z = 2.47 containing seven starbursting, submillimeter-luminous galaxies and five additional AGN within a comoving volume of 15000 Mpc$^{3}$. As the expected lifetime of both the luminous AGN and starburst phase of a galaxy is ~100 Myr, we conclude that these sources were likely triggered in rapid succession by environmental factors, or, alternatively, the duration of these cosmologically rare phenomena is much longer than prior direct measurements suggest. The stellar mass already built up in the structure is $sim10^{12}M_{odot}$ and we estimate that the cluster mass will exceed that of the Coma supercluster at $z sim 0$. The filamentary structure is in line with hierarchical growth simulations which predict that the peak of cluster activity occurs rapidly at z > 2.
236 - J.A. Calanog , Hai Fu , A. Cooray 2014
We present Keck-Adaptive Optics and Hubble Space Telescope high resolution near-infrared (IR) imaging for 500 um-bright candidate lensing systems identified by the Herschel Multi-tiered Extra-galactic Survey (HerMES) and Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Survey (H-ATLAS). Out of 87 candidates with near-IR imaging, 15 (~17%) display clear near-IR lensing morphologies. We present near-IR lens models to reconstruct and recover basic rest-frame optical morphological properties of the background galaxies from 12 new systems. Sources with the largest near-IR magnification factors also tend to be the most compact, consistent with the size bias predicted from simulations and pre- vious lensing models for sub-millimeter galaxies. For four new sources that also have high-resolution sub-mm maps, we test for differential lensing between the stellar and dust components and find that the 880 um magnification factor (u_880) is ~1.5 times higher than the near-IR magnification factor (u_NIR), on average. We also find that the stellar emission is ~2 times more extended in size than dust. The rest-frame optical properties of our sample of Herschel-selected lensed SMGs are consistent with those of unlensed SMGs, which suggests that the two populations are similar.
192 - M. Zemcov , A. Blain , A. Cooray 2013
We have observed four massive galaxy clusters with the SPIRE instrument on the Herschel Space Observatory and measure a deficit of surface brightness within their central region after subtracting sources. We simulate the effects of instrumental sensitivity and resolution, the source population, and the lensing effect of the clusters to estimate the shape and amplitude of the deficit. The amplitude of the central deficit is a strong function of the surface density and flux distribution of the background sources. We find that for the current best fitting faint end number counts, and excellent lensing models, the most likely amplitude of the central deficit is the full intensity of the cosmic infrared background (CIB). Our measurement leads to a lower limit to the integrated total intensity of the CIB of I(250 microns) > 0.69_(-0.03)^(+0.03) (stat.)_(-0.06)^(+0.11) (sys.) MJy/sr, with more CIB possible from both low-redshift sources and from sources within the target clusters. It should be possible to observe this effect in existing high angular resolution data at other wavelengths where the CIB is bright, which would allow tests of models of the faint source component of the CIB.
The wide-area imaging surveys with the {it Herschel} Space Observatory at sub-mm wavelengths have now resulted in catalogs of order one hundred thousand dusty, star-burst galaxies. We make a statistical estimate of $N(z)$ using a clustering analysis of sub-mm galaxies detected at each of 250, 350 and 500 $mu$m from the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) centered on the Bo{o}tes field. We cross-correlate {it Herschel} galaxies against galaxy samples at optical and near-IR wavelengths from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the NOAO Deep Wide Field Survey (NDWFS) and the Spitzer Deep Wide Field Survey (SDWFS). We create optical and near-IR galaxy samples based on their photometric or spectroscopic redshift distributions and test the accuracy of those redshift distributions with similar galaxy samples defined with catalogs of the Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS), as the COSMOS field has superior spectroscopy coverage. We model-fit the clustering auto and cross-correlations of {it Herschel} and optical/IR galaxy samples to estimate $N(z)$ and clustering bias factors. The $S_{350} > 20$ mJy galaxies have a bias factor varying with redshift as $b(z)=1.0^{+1.0}_{-0.5}(1+z)^{1.2^{+0.3}_{-0.7}}$. This bias and the redshift dependence is broadly in agreement with galaxies that occupy dark matter halos of mass in the range of 10$^{12}$ to 10$^{13}$ M$_{sun}$. We find that the redshift distribution peaks around $z sim 0.5$ to 1 for galaxies selected at 250 $mu$m with an average redshift of $< z > = 1.8 pm 0.2$. For 350 and 500 $mu$m-selected SPIRE samples the peak shifts to higher redshift, but the average redshift remains the same with a value of $1.9 pm 0.2$.
We present the results of a gravitational lensing analysis of the bright $zs=2.957$ sub-millimeter galaxy (SMG), HERMES J105751.1+573027 found in {it Herschel}/SPIRE Science Demonstration Phase data from the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) project. The high resolution imaging available in optical and Near-IR channels, along with CO emission obtained with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, allow us to precisely estimate the intrinsic source extension and hence estimate the total lensing magnification to be $mu=10.9pm 0.7$. We measure the half-light radius $R_{rm eff}$ of the source in the rest-frame Near-UV and $V$ bands that characterize the unobscured light coming from stars and find $R_{rm eff,*}= [2.0 pm 0.1]$ kpc, in good agreement with recent studies on the Submillimeter Galaxy population. This lens model is also used to estimate the size of the gas distribution ($R_{rm eff,gas}= [1.1pm0.5]$) kpc by mapping back in the source plane the CO (J=5-4) transition line emission. The lens modeling yields a relatively large Einstein radius $R_{rm Ein}= 4farcs10 pm 0farcs02$, corresponding to a deflector velocity dispersion of [$483pm 16] ,kms$. This shows that HERMES J105751.1+573027 is lensed by a {it galaxy group-size} dark matter halo at redshift $zlsim 0.6$. The projected dark matter contribution largely dominates the mass budget within the Einstein radius with $f_{rm dm}(<R_{rm Ein})sim 80%$. This fraction reduces to $f_{rm dm}(<R_{rm eff,G1}simeq 4.5kpc)sim 47%$ within the effective radius of the main deflecting galaxy of stellar mass $M_{rm *,G1}=[8.5pm 1.6] times 10^{11}msun$. At this smaller scale the dark matter fraction is consistent with results already found for massive lensing ellipticals at $zsim0.2$ from the SLACS survey.
We report the detection of CO 5-4, 3-2, and 1-0 emission in the strongly lensed, Herschel/SPIRE-selected submillimeter galaxy (SMG) HLSW-01 at z=2.9574+/-0.0001, using the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy, and the Green Bank Telescope. The observations spatially resolve the molecular gas into four lensed images with a maximum separation of ~9, and reveal the internal gas dynamics in this system. We derive lensing-corrected CO line luminosities of L(CO 1-0) = (4.17+/-0.41), L(CO 3-2) = (3.96+/-0.20) and L(CO 5-4) = (3.45+/-0.20) x 10^10 (mu_L/10.9)^-1 Kkm/s pc^2, corresponding to luminosity ratios of r_31 = 0.95+/-0.10, r_53 = 0.87+/-0.06, and r_51 = 0.83+/-0.09. This suggests a total molecular gas mass of Mgas = 3.3 x 10^10 (alpha_CO/0.8) (mu_L/10.9)^-1 Msun. The gas mass, gas mass fraction, gas depletion timescale, star formation efficiency, and specific star formation rate are typical for an SMG. The velocity structure of the gas reservoir suggests that the brightest two lensed images are dynamically resolved projections of the same dust-obscured region in the galaxy that are kinematically offset from the unresolved fainter images. The resolved kinematics appear consistent with the complex velocity structure observed in major, `wet (i.e., gas-rich) mergers. Major mergers are commonly observed in SMGs, and are likely to be responsible for fueling their intense starbursts at high gas consumption rates. This study demonstrates the level of detail to which galaxies in the early universe can be studied by utilizing the increase in effective spatial resolution and sensitivity provided by gravitational lensing.
We report the discovery of a bright ($f(250mum) > 400$ mJy), multiply-lensed submillimeter galaxy obj in {it Herschel}/SPIRE Science Demonstration Phase data from the HerMES project. Interferometric 880mum Submillimeter Array observations resolve at least four images with a large separation of $sim 9arcsec$. A high-resolution adaptive optics $K_p$ image with Keck/NIRC2 clearly shows strong lensing arcs. Follow-up spectroscopy gives a redshift of $z=2.9575$, and the lensing model gives a total magnification of $mu sim 11 pm 1$. The large image separation allows us to study the multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) of the lensed source unobscured by the central lensing mass. The far-IR/millimeter-wave SED is well described by a modified blackbody fit with an unusually warm dust temperature, $88 pm 3$ K. We derive a lensing-corrected total IR luminosity of $(1.43 pm 0.09) times 10^{13}, mathrm{L}_{odot}$, implying a star formation rate of $sim 2500, mathrm{M}_{odot}, mathrm{yr}^{-1}$. However, models primarily developed from brighter galaxies selected at longer wavelengths are a poor fit to the full optical-to-millimeter SED. A number of other strongly lensed systems have already been discovered in early {it Herschel} data, and many more are expected as additional data are collected.
49 - L. Wang , A. Cooray , D. Farrah 2011
Cosmic magnification is due to the weak gravitational lensing of sources in the distant Universe by foreground large-scale structure leading to coherent changes in the observed number density of the background sources. Depending on the slope of the background source number counts, cosmic magnification causes a correlation between the background and foreground galaxies, which is unexpected in the absence of lensing if the two populations are spatially disjoint. Previous attempts using submillimetre (sub-mm) sources have been hampered by small number statistics. The large number of sources detected in the {it Herschel} Multi-tiered Extra-galactic Survey (HerMES) Lockman-SWIRE field enables us to carry out the first robust study of the cross-correlation between sub-mm sources and sources at lower redshifts. Using ancillary data we compile two low-redshift samples from SDSS and SWIRE with <z> ~ 0.2 and 0.4, respectively, and cross-correlate with two sub-mm samples based on flux density and colour criteria, selecting galaxies preferentially at z ~ 2. We detect cross-correlation on angular scales between ~1 and 50 arcmin and find clear evidence that this is primarily due to cosmic magnification. A small, but non-negligible signal from intrinsic clustering is likely to be present due to the tails of the redshift distribution of the sub-mm sources overlapping with those of the foreground samples.
We present physical properties of two submillimeter selected gravitationally lensed sources, identified in the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey. These submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) have flux densities > 100 mJy at 500 um, but are not visible in existing optical imaging. We fit light profiles to each component of the lensing systems in Spitzer IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 um data and successfully disentangle the foreground lens from the background source in each case, providing important constraints on the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the background SMG at rest-frame optical-near-infrared wavelengths. The SED fits show that these two SMGs have high dust obscuration with Av ~4 to 5 and star formation rates of ~100 M_sun/yr. They have low gas fractions and low dynamical masses compared to 850 um selected galaxies.
327 - A. Amblard , A. Cooray , P. Serra 2010
We present colour-colour diagrams of detected sources in the Herschel-ATLAS Science Demonstration Field from 100 to 500 microns using both PACS and SPIRE. We fit isothermal modified black bodies to the spectral energy distribution (SED) to extract the dust temperature of sources with counterparts in Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) or SDSS surveys with either a spectroscopic or a photometric redshift. For a subsample of 330 sources detected in at least three FIR bands with a significance greater than 3 $sigma$, we find an average dust temperature of $(28 pm 8)$K. For sources with no known redshift, we populate the colour-colour diagram with a large number of SEDs generated with a broad range of dust temperatures and emissivity parameters, and compare to colours of observed sources to establish the redshift distribution of this sample. For another subsample of 1686 sources with fluxes above 35 mJy at 350 microns and detected at 250 and 500 microns with a significance greater than 3$sigma$, we find an average redshift of $2.2 pm 0.6$.

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