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We present results from the deep XMM-Newton observations of the two brightest X-ray sources in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), PID 203 (z=0.544) and PID 319 (z=0.742). The long exposure of 2.5 Ms over a 10 year period (net 4 yr with a 6 yr gap) makes it possible to obtain high quality X-ray spectra of these two Type I AGN with X-ray luminosity of 10^44 erg/s, typical luminosity for low-redshift PG quasars, track their X-ray variability both in flux and spectral shape. Both sources showed X-ray flux variability of ~10-20 per cent in rms which is similar in the soft (0.5-2 keV) and hard (2-7 keV) bands. PID 203, which has evidence for optical extinction, shows modest amount of absorption (nH~1e21cm^-2) in the X-ray spectrum. Fe K emission is strongly detected in both objects with EW~0.2 keV. The lines in both objects are moderately broad and exhibit marginal evidence for variability in shape and flux, indicating that the bulk of the line emission come from their accretion disks rather than distant tori.
We present X-ray spectral analyses for three Seyfert 2 active galactic nuclei, NGC 424, NGC 1320, and IC 2560, observed by NuSTAR in the 3-79 keV band. The high quality hard X-ray spectra allow detailed modeling of the Compton reflection component for the first time in these sources. Using quasi-simultaneous NuSTAR and Swift/XRT data, as well as archival XMM-Newton data, we find that all three nuclei are obscured by Compton-thick material with column densities in excess of ~5 x $10^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$, and that their X-ray spectra above 3 keV are dominated by reflection of the intrinsic continuum on Compton-thick material. Due to the very high obscuration, absorbed intrinsic continuum components are not formally required by the data in any of the sources. We constrain the intrinsic photon indices and the column density of the reflecting medium through the shape of the reflection spectra. Using archival multi-wavelength data we recover the intrinsic X-ray luminosities consistent with the broadband spectral energy distributions. Our results are consistent with the reflecting medium being an edge-on clumpy torus with a relatively large global covering factor and overall reflection efficiency of the order of 1%. Given the unambiguous confirmation of the Compton-thick nature of the sources, we investigate whether similar sources are likely to be missed by commonly used selection criteria for Compton-thick AGN, and explore the possibility of finding their high-redshift counterparts.
(abridged) The XMM-Newton survey in the Chandra Deep Field South (XMM-CDFS) aims at detecting and studying the spectral properties of a significant number of obscured and Compton-thick AGN. The large effective area of XMMin the 2--10 and 5--10 keV bands, coupled with a 3.45 Ms nominal exposure time, allows us to build clean samples in both bands, and makes the XMM-CDFS the deepest XMM survey currently published in the 5--10 keV band. The large multi-wavelength and spectroscopic coverage of the CDFS area allows for an immediate and abundant scientific return. We present the data reduction of the XMM-CDFS observations, the method for source detection in the 2--10 and 5--10keV bands, and the resulting catalogues. A number of 339 and 137 sources are listed in the above bands with flux limits of 6.6e-16 and 9.5e-16 erg/s/cm^2, respectively. The flux limits at 50% of the maximum sky coverage are 1.8e-15 and 4.0e-15 erg/s/cm^2, respectively. The catalogues have been cross-correlated with the Chandra ones: 315 and 130 identifications have been found with a likelihood-ratio method, respectively. A number of 15 new sources, previously undetected by Chandra, is found; 5 of them lie in the 4 Ms area. Redshifts, either spectroscopic or photometric, are available for ~92% of the sources. The number counts in both bands are presented and compared to other works. The survey coverage has been calculated with the help of two extensive sets of simulations, one set per band. The simulations have been produced with a newly-developed simulator, written with the aim of the most careful reproduction of the background spatial properties. We present a detailed decomposition of the XMM background into its components: cosmic, particle, and residual soft protons.
The Chandra Deep Field is the region of the sky with the highest concentration of X-ray data available: 4Ms of Chandra and 3Ms of XMM data, allowing excellent quality spectra to be extracted even for faint sources. We take advantage of this in order to compile a sample of heavily obscured Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) using X-ray spectroscopy. We select our sample among the 176 brightest XMM sources, searching for either a) flat X-ray spectra (Photon index<1.4 at the 90% confidence level) suggestive of a reflection dominated continuum or b) an absorption turn-over suggestive of a column density higher than ~10^{24} cm-2. We find a sample of nine candidate heavily obscured sources satisfying the above criteria. Four of these show statistically significant FeKalpha lines with large equivalent widths (three out of four have EW consistent with 1 keV) suggesting that these are the most secure Compton-thick AGN candidates. Two of these sources are transmission dominated while the other two are most probably reflection dominated Compton-thick AGN. Although this sample of four sources is by no means statistically complete, it represents the best example of Compton-thick sources found at moderate-to-high redshift with three sources at z=1.2-1.5 and one source at z=3.7. Using Spitzer and Herschel observations, we estimate with good accuracy the X-ray to mid-IR (12 micron) luminosity ratio of our sources. These are well below the average AGN relation, independently suggesting that these four sources are heavily obscured.
Models of galaxy evolution assume some connection between the AGN and star formation activity in galaxies. We use the multi-wavelength information of the CDFS to assess this issue. We select the AGNs from the 3Ms XMM-Newton survey and measure the star-formation rates of their hosts using data that probe rest-frame wavelengths longward of 20 um. Star-formation rates are obtained from spectral energy distribution fits, identifying and subtracting an AGN component. We divide the star-formation rates by the stellar masses of the hosts to derive specific star-formation rates (sSFR) and find evidence for a positive correlation between the AGN activity (proxied by the X-ray luminosity) and the sSFR for the most active systems with X-ray luminosities exceeding Lx=10^43 erg/s and redshifts z~1. We do not find evidence for such a correlation for lower luminosity systems or those at lower redshifts. We do not find any correlation between the SFR (or the sSFR) and the X-ray absorption derived from high-quality XMM-Newton spectra either, showing that the absorption is likely to be linked to the nuclear region rather than the host, while the star-formation is not nuclear. Comparing the sSFR of the hosts to the characteristic sSFR of star-forming galaxies at the same redshift we find that the AGNs reside mostly in main-sequence and starburst hosts, reflecting the AGN - sSFR connection. Limiting our analysis to the highest X-ray luminosity AGNs (X-ray QSOs with Lx>10^44 erg/s), we find that the highest-redshift QSOs (with z>2) reside predominantly in starburst hosts, with an average sSFR more than double that of the main sequence, and we find a few cases of QSOs at z~1.5 with specific star-formation rates compatible with the main-sequence, or even in the quiescent region. (abridged)
Bolometric luminosities and Eddington ratios of both X-ray selected broad-line (Type-1) and narrow-line (Type-2) AGN from the XMM-Newton survey in the COSMOS field are presented. The sample is composed by 929 AGN (382 Type-1 AGN and 547 Type-2 AGN) and it covers a wide range of redshifts, X-ray luminosities and absorbing column densities. About 65% of the sources are spectroscopically identified as either Type-1 or Type-2 AGN (83% and 52% respectively), while accurate photometric redshifts are available for the rest of the sample. The study of such a large sample of X-ray selected AGN with a high quality multi-wavelength coverage from the far-infrared (now with the inclusion of Herschel data at 100 micron and 160 micron) to the optical-UV allows us to obtain accurate estimates of bolometric luminosities, bolometric corrections and Eddington ratios. The kbol-Lbol relations derived in the present work are calibrated for the first time against a sizable AGN sample, and rely on observed redshifts, X-ray luminosities and column density distributions. We find that kbol is significantly lower at high Lbol with respect to previous estimates by Marconi et al. (2004) and Hopkins et al. (2007). Black hole masses and Eddington ratios are available for 170 Type-1 AGN, while black hole masses for Type-2 AGN are computed for 481 objects using the black hole mass-stellar mass relation and the morphological information. We confirm a trend between kbol and lambda_Edd, with lower hard X-ray bolometric corrections at lower Eddington ratios for both Type-1 and Type-2 AGN. We find that, on average, Eddington ratio increases with redshift for all Types of AGN at any given Mbh, while no clear evolution with redshift is seen at any given Lbol.
We present a study of the multi-wavelength properties, from the mid-infrared to the hard X-rays, of a sample of 255 spectroscopically identified X-ray selected Type-2 AGN from the XMM-COSMOS survey. Most of them are obscured the X-ray absorbing column density is determined by either X-ray spectral analyses (for the 45% of the sample), or from hardness ratios. Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) are computed for all sources in the sample. The average SEDs in the optical band is dominated by the host-galaxy light, especially at low X-ray luminosities and redshifts. There is also a trend between X-ray and mid-infrared luminosity: the AGN contribution in the infrared is higher at higher X-ray luminosities. We calculate bolometric luminosities, bolometric corrections, stellar masses and star formation rates (SFRs) for these sources using a multi-component modeling to properly disentangle the emission associated to stellar light from that due to black hole accretion. For 90% of the sample we also have the morphological classifications obtained with an upgraded version of the Zurich Estimator of Structural Types (ZEST+). We find that on average Type-2 AGN have lower bolometric corrections than Type-1 AGN. Moreover, we confirm that the morphologies of AGN host-galaxies indicate that there is a preference for these Type-2 AGN to be hosted in bulge-dominated galaxies with stellar masses greater than 10^10 solar masses.
175 - F. Civano 2011
We present the high redshift (3<z<5.3) 0.5-2 keV number counts and the 2-10 keV (rest frame) space density of X-ray selected AGNs detected in the Chandra COSMOS survey. The sample comprises 81 X-ray detected sources with available spectroscopic (31) and photometric (50) redshifts plus 20 sources with a formal z_phot<3 but with a broad photometric redshift probability distribution, such that z_phot+1sigma>3. 81 sources are selected in the 0.5-2 keV band, 14 are selected in the 2-10 keV and 6 in the 0.5-10 keV bands. We sample the high luminosity (log L_(2-10 keV)>44.15 erg/s) space density up to z~5 and a fainter luminosity range (43.5<log L(2-10 keV)<44.15 erg/s) than previous studies, up to z=3.5. We weighted the contribution to the number counts and the space density of the sources with photometric redshift by using their probability of being at z>3. We find that the space density of high-luminosity AGNs declines exponentially at all the redshifts, confirming the trend observed for optically selected quasars. At lower luminosity, the measured space density is not conclusive, and a larger sample of faint sources is needed. Comparisons with optical luminosity functions and BH formation models are presented together with prospects for future surveys.
We present the first results of the spectroscopy of distant, obscured AGN as obtained with the ultra-deep (~3.3 Ms) XMM-Newton survey in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). One of the primary goals of the project is to characterize the X-ray spectral properties of obscured and heavily obscured Compton-thick AGN over the range of redhifts and luminosities that are relevant in terms of their contribution to the X-ray background. The ultra-deep exposure, coupled with the XMM detectors spectral throughput, allowed us to accumulate good quality X-ray spectra for a large number of X-ray sources and, in particular, for heavily obscured AGN at cosmological redshifts. Specifically we present the X-ray spectral properties of two high-redshift - z= 1.53 and z=3.70 - sources. The XMM spectra of both are very hard, with a strong iron Kalpha line at a rest-frame energy of 6.4 keV. A reflection-dominated continuum provides the best description of the X-ray spectrum of the z=1.53 source, while the intrinsic continuum of the z=3.70 AGN is obscured by a large column N_H ~ 10^24 cm-2 of cold gas. Compton-thick absorption, or close to it, is unambiguously detected in both sources. Interestingly, these sources would not be selected as candidate Compton thick AGN by some multiwavelength selection criteria based on the mid-infrared to optical and X-ray to optical flux ratios.
111 - M. Brusa 2010
We report the final optical identifications of the medium-depth (~60 ksec), contiguous (2 deg^2) XMM-Newton survey of the COSMOS field. XMM-Newton has detected ~800 X-ray sources down to limiting fluxes of ~5x10^{-16}, ~3x10^{-15}, and ~7x10^{-15} erg/cm2/s in the 0.5-2 keV, 2-10 keV and 5-10 keV bands, respectively. The work is complemented by an extensive collection of multi-wavelength data from 24 micron to UV, available from the COSMOS survey, for each of the X-ray sources, including spectroscopic redshifts for ~50% of the sample, and high-quality photometric redshifts for the rest. The XMM and multiwavelength flux limits are well matched: 1760 (98%) of the X-ray sources have optical counterparts, 1711 (~95%) have IRAC counterparts, and 1394 (~78%) have MIPS 24micron detections. Thanks to the redshift completeness (almost 100%) we were able to constrain the high-luminosity tail of the X-ray luminosity function confirming that the peak of the number density of logL_X>44.5 AGN is at z~2. Spectroscopically-identified obscured and unobscured AGN, as well as normal and starforming galaxies, present well-defined optical and infrared properties. We devised a robust method to identify a sample of ~150 high redshift (z>1), obscured AGN candidates for which optical spectroscopy is not available. We were able to determine that the fraction of the obscured AGN population at the highest (L_X>10^{44} erg s^{-1}) X-ray luminosity is ~15-30% when selection effects are taken into account, providing an important observational constraint for X-ray background synthesis. We studied in detail the optical spectrum and the overall spectral energy distribution of a prototypical Type 2 QSO, caught in a stage transitioning from being starburst dominated to AGN dominated, which was possible to isolate only thanks to the combination of X-ray and infrared observations.

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