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83 - A. Amo , J. Bloch , A. Bramati 2014
In a recent preprint (arXiv:1401.1128v1) Cilibrizzi and co-workers report experiments and simulations showing the scattering of polaritons against a localised obstacle in a semiconductor microcavity. The authors observe in the linear excitation regime the formation of density and phase patterns reminiscent of those expected in the non-linear regime from the nucleation of dark solitons. Based on this observation, they conclude that previous theoretical and experimental reports on dark solitons in a polariton system should be revised. Here we comment why the results from Cilibrizzi et al. take place in a very different regime than previous investigations on dark soliton nucleation and do not reproduce all the signatures of its rich nonlinear phenomenology. First of all, Cilibrizzi et al. consider a particular type of radial excitation that strongly determines the observed patterns, while in previous reports the excitation has a plane-wave profile. Most importantly, the nonlinear relation between phase jump, soliton width and fluid velocity, and the existence of a critical velocity with the time-dependent formation of vortex-antivortex pairs are absent in the linear regime. In previous reports about dark soliton and half-dark soliton nucleation in a polariton fluid, the distinctive dark soliton physics is supported both by theory (analytical and numerical) and experiments (both continuous wave and pulsed excitation).
177 - M. Abbarchi , A. Amo , V. G. Sala 2012
A textbook example of quantum mechanical effects is the coupling of two states through a tunnel barrier. In the case of macroscopic quantum states subject to interactions, the tunnel coupling gives rise to Josephson phenomena including Rabi oscillations, the a.c. and d.c. effects, or macroscopic self-trapping depending on whether tunnelling or interactions dominate. Non-linear Josephson physics, observed in superfluid helium and atomic condensates, has remained inaccessible in photonic systems due to the required effective photon-photon interactions. We report on the observation of non-linear Josephson oscillations of two coupled polariton condensates confined in a photonic molecule etched in a semiconductor microcavity. By varying both the distance between the micropillars forming the molecule and the condensate density in each micropillar, we control the ratio of coupling to interaction energy. At low densities we observe coherent oscillations of particles tunnelling between the two micropillars. At high densities, interactions quench the transfer of particles inducing the macroscopic self-trapping of the condensate in one of the micropillars. The finite lifetime of polaritons results in a dynamical transition from self-trapping to oscillations with pi phase. Our results open the way to the experimental study of highly non-linear regimes in photonic systems, such as chaos or symmetry-breaking bifurcations.
136 - A. Amo , S. Pigeon , D. Sanvitto 2011
A quantum fluid passing an obstacle behaves differently from a classical one. When the flow is slow enough, the quantum gas enters a superfluid regime and neither whirlpools nor waves form around the obstacle. For higher flow velocities, it has been predicted that the perturbation induced by the defect gives rise to the turbulent emission of quantised vortices and to the nucleation of solitons. Using an interacting Bose gas of exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity, we report the transition from superfluidity to the hydrodynamic formation of oblique dark solitons and vortex streets in the wake of a potential barrier. The direct observation of these topological excitations provides key information on the mechanisms of superflow and shows the potential of polariton condensates for quantum turbulence studies.
Semiconductor microcavities offer a unique system to investigate the physics of weakly interacting bosons. Their elementary excitations, polaritons--a mixture of excitons and photons--behave, in the low density limit, as bosons that can undergo a phase transition to a regime characterised by long range coherence. Condensates of polaritons have been advocated as candidates for superfluidity; and the formation of vortices as well as elementary excitations with a linear dispersion are actively sought after. In this work, we have created and set in motion a macroscopically degenerate state of polaritons and let it collide with a variety of defects present in the sample. Our experiments show striking manifestations of a coherent light-matter packet that displays features of a superfluid, although one of a highly unusual character as it involves an out-of-equilibrium dissipative system where it travels at ultra-fast velocity of the order of 1% the speed of light. Our main results are the observation of i) a linear polariton dispersion accompanied with diffusion-less motion, ii) flow without resistance when crossing an obstacle, iii) suppression of Rayleigh scattering and iv) splitting into two fluids when the size of the obstacle is comparable with the size of the wavepacket. This work opens the way to the investigation of new phenomenology of out-of-equilibrium condensates.

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