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We show that the cool gas masses of galactic discs reach a steady state that lasts many Gyr after their last major merger in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. The mass of disc gas, M$_{rm gas}$, depends upon a galaxy halos spin and virial mass, but not upon stellar feedback. Halos with low spin have high star formation efficiency and lower disc gas mass. Similarly, lower stellar feedback leads to more star formation so the gas mass ends up nearly the same irregardless of stellar feedback strength. Even considering spin, the M$_{rm gas}$ relation with halo mass, M$_{200}$ only shows a factor of 3 scatter. The M$_{rm gas}$--M$_{200}$ relation show a break at M$_{200}$=$2times10^{11}$ M$_odot$ that corresponds to an observed break in the M$_{rm gas}$--M$_star$ relation. The constant disc mass stems from a shared halo gas density profile in all the simulated galaxies. In their outer regions, the profiles are isothermal. Where the profile rises above $n=10^{-3}$ cm$^{-3}$, the gas readily cools and the profile steepens. Inside the disc, rotation supports gas with a flatter density profile except where supernova explosions disrupt the disc. Energy injection from stellar feedback also provides pressure support to the halo gas to prevent runaway cooling flows. The resulting constant gas mass makes simpler models for galaxy formation possible, either using a bathtub model for star formation rates or when modeling chemical evolution.
600 - A. A. Dutton 2012
Recent work has suggested that the stellar initial mass function (IMF) is not universal, but rather is correlated with galaxy stellar mass, stellar velocity dispersion, or morphological type. In this paper, we investigate variations of the IMF within individual galaxies. For this purpose, we use strong lensing and gas kinematics to measure independently the normalisation of the IMF of the bulge and disk components of a sample of 5 massive spiral galaxies with substantial bulge components taken from the SWELLS survey. We find that the stellar mass of the bulges are tightly constrained by the lensing and kinematic data. A comparison with masses based on stellar population synthesis models fitted to optical and near infrared photometry favors a Salpeter-like normalisation of the IMF. Conversely, the disk masses are less well constrained due to degeneracies with the dark matter halo, but are consistent with Milky Way type IMFs in agreement with previous studies. The disks are submaximal at 2.2 disk scale lengths, but due to the contribution of the bulges, the galaxies are baryon dominated at 2.2 disk scale lengths. Globally, our inferred IMF normalisation is consistent with that found for early-type galaxies of comparable stellar mass (> 10^11 M_sun). Our results suggest a non-universal IMF within the different components of spiral galaxies, adding to the well-known differences in stellar populations between disks and bulges.
463 - A. A. Dutton 2011
The degeneracy among the disk, bulge and halo contributions to galaxy rotation curves prevents an understanding of the distribution of baryons and dark matter in disk galaxies. In an attempt to break this degeneracy, we present an analysis of the spiral galaxy strong gravitational lens SDSS J2141-0001, discovered as part of the SLACS survey. We present new Hubble Space Telescope multicolor imaging, gas and stellar kinematics data derived from long-slit spectroscopy, and K-band LGS adaptive optics imaging, both from the Keck telescopes. We model the galaxy as a sum of concentric axisymmetric bulge, disk and halo components and infer the contribution of each component, using information from gravitational lensing and gas kinematics. This analysis yields a best-fitting total (disk plus bulge) stellar mass of log_{10}(Mstar/Msun) = 10.99(+0.11,-0.25). The photometric data combined with stellar population synthesis models yield log_{10}(Mstar/Msun) = 10.97pm0.07, and 11.21pm0.07 for the Chabrier and Salpeter IMFs, respectively. Accounting for the expected gas fraction of simeq 20% reduces the lensing plus kinematics stellar mass by 0.10pm0.05 dex, resulting in a Bayes factor of 11.9 in favor of a Chabrier IMF. The dark matter halo is roughly spherical, with minor to major axis ratio q_{halo}=0.91(+0.15,-0.13). The dark matter halo has a maximum circular velocity of V_{max}=276(+17,-18) km/s, and a central density parameter of log_{10}Delta_{V/2}=5.9(+0.9,-0.5). This is higher than predicted for uncontracted dark matter haloes in LCDM cosmologies, log_{10}Delta_{V/2}=5.2, suggesting that either the halo has contracted in response to galaxy formation, or that the halo has a higher than average concentration. At 2.2 disk scale lengths the dark matter fraction is f_{DM}=0.55(+0.20,-0.15), suggesting that SDSS J2141-0001 is sub-maximal.
We construct a large data set of global structural parameters for 1300 field and cluster spiral galaxies and explore the joint distribution of luminosity L, optical rotation velocity V, and disk size R at I- and 2MASS K-bands. The I- and K-band velocity-luminosity (VL) relations have log-slopes of 0.29 and 0.27, respectively with sigma_ln(VL)~0.13, and show a small dependence on color and morphological type in the sense that redder, early-type disk galaxies rotate faster than bluer, later-type disk galaxies for most luminosities. The VL relation at I- and K-bands is independent of surface brightness, size and light concentration. The log-slope of the I- and K-band RL relations is a strong function of morphology and varies from 0.25 to 0.5. The average dispersion sigma_ln(RL) decreases from 0.33 at I-band to 0.29 at K, likely due to the 2MASS selection bias against lower surface brightness galaxies. Measurement uncertainties are sigma_ln(V)~0.09, sigma_ln(L)~0.14 and somewhat larger and harder to estimate for ln(R). The color dependence of the VL relation is consistent with expectations from stellar population synthesis models. The VL and RL residuals are largely uncorrelated with each other; the RV-RL residuals show only a weak positive correlation. These correlations suggest that scatter in luminosity is not a significant source of the scatter in the VL and RL relations. The observed scaling relations can be understood in the context of a model of disk galaxies embedded in dark matter halos that invokes low mean spin parameters and dark halo expansion, as we describe in our companion paper (Dutton et al. 2007). We discuss in two appendices various pitfalls of standard analytical derivations of galaxy scaling relations, including the Tully-Fisher relation with different slopes. (Abridged).

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