Lagrangian configurations and symplectic cross-ratios

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider moduli spaces of cyclic configurations of $N$ lines in a $2n$-dimensional symplectic vector space, such that every set of $n$ consecutive lines generates a Lagrangian subspace. We study geometric and combinatorial problems related to these moduli spaces, and prove that they are isomorphic to quotients of spaces of symmetric linear difference operators with monodromy $-1$. The symplectic cross-ratio is an invariant of two pairs of $1$-dimensional subspaces of a symplectic vector space. For $N = 2n+2$, the moduli space of Lagrangian configurations is parametrized by $n+1$ symplectic cross-ratios. These cross-ratios satisfy a single remarkable relation, related to tridiagonal determinants and continuants, given by the Pfaffian of a Gram matrix.

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