Modular Amplitudes and Flux-Superpotentials on elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We discuss the period geometry and the topological string amplitudes on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds in toric ambient spaces. In particular, we describe a general procedure to fix integral periods. Using some elementary facts from homological mirror symmetry we then obtain Bridgelands involution and its monodromy action on the integral basis for non-singular elliptically fibered fourfolds. The full monodromy group contains a subgroup that acts as PSL(2,Z) on the Kahler modulus of the fiber and we analyze the consequences of this modularity for the genus zero and genus one amplitudes as well as the associated geometric invariants. We find holomorphic anomaly equations for the amplitudes, reflecting precisely the failure of exact PSL(2,Z) invariance that relates them to quasi-modular forms. Finally we use the integral basis of periods to study the horizontal flux superpotential and the leading order Kahler potential for the moduli fields in F-theory compactifications globally on the complex structure moduli space. For a particular example we verify attractor behaviour at the generic conifold given an aligned choice of flux which we expect to be universal. Furthermore we analyze the superpotential at the orbifold points but find no stable vacua.

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