Domain wall network as QCD vacuum and the chromomagnetic trap formation under extreme conditions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The ensemble of Euclidean gluon field configurations represented by the domain wall network is considered. A single domain wall is given by the sine-Gordon kink for the angle between chromomagnetic and chromoelectric components of the gauge field. The domain wall separates the regions with self-dual and anti-self-dual fields. The network of the domain wall defects is introduced as a combination of multiplicative and additive superpositions of kinks. The character of the spectrum and eigenmodes of color-charged fluctuations in the presence of the domain wall network is discussed. The concept of the confinement-deconfinement transition in terms of the ensemble of domain wall networks is outlined. Conditions for the formation of thick domain wall junction during heavy ion collisions are discussed, and the spectrum of color charged quasiparticles inside the trap is evaluated. An important observation is the existence of the critical size $L_c$ of the trap stable against gluon tachyonic modes, which means that deconfinement can occur only in a finite region of space-time in principle. The size $L_c$ is related to the value of gluon condensate $langle g^2F^2rangle$.

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