Superconducting properties of Pr-based Filled skutterudite PrRu$_4$As$_{12}$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report on systematic study of superconducting characteristics and Pr crystalline-electric-field (CEF) levels of filled-skutterudite pra ($T_{rm c}$ = 2.33 K). The temperature dependences of the upper critical field $H_{rm c2}$ and the Ginzburg-Landau (Maki) parameter $kappa_2$ suggest an s-wave clean-limit superconductivity. The electronic specific heat coefficient $gamma sim 95$ mJ/K$^2$mol, being $sim 1.5$ times larger than that for lra, indicates $4f$-originating quasiparticle mass enhancement. Magnetic susceptibility $chi(T)$ indicates that the CEF ground state is a $Gamma_1$ singlet and a $Gamma_4^{(1)}$ triplet first excited state lies at $Delta_{rm CEF}sim 30$ K above. Systematic comparison among pos, prs, pra and La-based reference compounds suggests that inelastic exchange- and aspherical-charge-scatterings of conduction electrons from CEF-split $4f$ levels play an essential role for the quasiparticle mass enhancement and the value of $T_{rm c}$ in the Pr-based filled skutterudites.

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