Crossover from the chiral to the standard universality classes in the conductance of a quantum wire with random hopping only

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The conductance of a quantum wire with off-diagonal disorder that preserves a sublattice symmetry (the random hopping problem with chiral symmetry) is considered. Transport at the band center is anomalous relative to the standard problem of Anderson localization both in the diffusive and localized regimes. In the diffusive regime, there is no weak-localization correction to the conductance and universal conductance fluctuations are twice as large as in the standard cases. Exponential localization occurs only for an even number of transmission channels in which case the localization length does not depend on whether time-reversal and spin rotation symmetry are present or not. For an odd number of channels the conductance decays algebraically. Upon moving away from the band center transport characteristics undergo a crossover to those of the standard universality classes of Anderson localization. This crossover is calculated in the diffusive regime.

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