Symmetric Finite-Time Preparation of Cluster States via Quantum Pumps

الملخص بالإنكليزية

It has recently been established that cluster-like states -- states that are in the same symmetry-protected topological phase as the cluster state -- provide a family of resource states that can be utilized for Measurement-Based Quantum Computation. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to prepare cluster-like states in finite time without breaking the symmetry protecting the resource state. Such a symmetry-preserving protocol would benefit from topological protection to errors in the preparation. We answer this question in the positive by providing a Hamiltonian in one higher dimension whose finite-time evolution is a unitary that acts trivially in the bulk, but pumps the desired cluster state to the boundary. Examples are given for both the 1D cluster state protected by a global symmetry, and various 2D cluster states protected by subsystem symmetries. We show that even if unwanted symmetric perturbations are present in the driving Hamiltonian, projective measurements in the bulk along with post-selection is sufficient to recover a cluster-like state. For a resource state of size $N$, failure to prepare the state is negligible if the size of the perturbations are much smaller than $N^{-1/2}$.

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