Thermal effects on collective modes in disordered $s$-wave superconductors

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the effect of thermal fluctuations on the two-particle spectral function for a disordered $s$-wave superconductor in two dimensions, focusing on the evolution of the collective amplitude and phase modes. We find three main effects of thermal fluctuations: (a) the phase mode is softened with increasing temperature reflecting the decrease of superfluid stiffness; (b) remarkably, the non-dispersive collective amplitude modes at finite energy near ${bf q}=[0,0]$ and ${bf q}=[pi,pi]$ survive even in presence of thermal fluctuations in the disordered superconductor; and (c) the scattering of the thermally excited fermionic quasiparticles leads to low energy incoherent spectral weight that forms a strongly momentum-dependent background halo around the phase and amplitude collective modes and broadens them. Due to momentum and energy conservation constraints, this halo has a boundary which disperses linearly at low momenta and shows a strong dip near the $[pi,pi]$ point in the Brillouin zone.

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