Uncertainties in QE and RES events at LBNF due to hadronic production in FSI

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recent neutrino oscillation experiments used high atomic number nuclear targets to attain sufficient interaction rates. The use of these complex targets introduced systematic uncertainties due to the nuclear effects in the experimental observable and need to be measured properly to pin down the discovery. Through this simulation work, we are trying to quantify the nuclear effects in the Ar target with the H target which are proposed to be used at DUNE far detector and near detector respectively. The DUNE flux is peaking around 2.5 GeV and CCRES is the dominant process at this energy. So, this work will be focused only on the CCQE and CCRES interactions and the simulations will be done using two different neutrino event generators. To quantify the systematic uncertainties in the observables, we presented the ratio of the oscillation probability (P(Ar)/P(H)) as a function of reconstructed neutrino energy for CCRES channels.

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