A Critical Look at the Applicability of Markov Logic Networks for Music Signal Analysis

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In recent years, Markov logic networks (MLNs) have been proposed as a potentially useful paradigm for music signal analysis. Because all hidden Markov models can be reformulated as MLNs, the latter can provide an all-encompassing framework that reuses and extends previous work in the field. However, just because it is theoretically possible to reformulate previous work as MLNs, does not mean that it is advantageous. In this paper, we analyse some proposed examples of MLNs for musical analysis and consider their practical disadvantages when compared to formulating the same musical dependence relationships as (dynamic) Bayesian networks. We argue that a number of practical hurdles such as the lack of support for sequences and for arbitrary continuous probability distributions make MLNs less than ideal for the proposed musical applications, both in terms of easy of formulation and computational requirements due to their required inference algorithms. These conclusions are not specific to music, but apply to other fields as well, especially when sequential data with continuous observations is involved. Finally, we show that the ideas underlying the proposed examples can be expressed perfectly well in the more commonly used framework of (dynamic) Bayesian networks.

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