Spin dependent ab initio nonlocal No-Core Shell-Model One-Body Densities

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Constructing microscopic effective interactions (`optical potentials) for nucleon-nucleus (NA) elastic scattering requires in first order off-shell nucleon-nucleon (NN) scattering amplitudes between the projectile and the struck target nucleon and nonlocal one-body density matrices. While the NN amplitudes and the {it ab intio} no-core shell-model (NCSM) calculations always contain the full spin structure of the NN problem, one-body density matrices used in traditional microscopic folding potential neglect spin contributions inherent in the one-body density matrix. Here we derive and show the expectation values of the spin-orbit contribution of the struck nucleon with respect to the rest of the nucleus for $^{4}$He, $^{6}$He, $^{12}$C, and $^{16}$O and compare them with the scalar one-body density matrix.

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