Octupolar vs N{e}el Order in Cubic 5$d^2$ double perovskites

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report time-of-flight neutron spectroscopic and diffraction studies of the 5$d^2$ cubic double pervoskite magnets, Ba$_2$MOsO$_6$ ($M$ = Zn, Mg, Ca). These cubic materials are all described by antiferromagnetically-coupled 5$d^2$ Os$^{6+}$ ions decorating a face-centred cubic (FCC) lattice. They all exhibit thermodynamic anomalies consistent with phase transitions at a temperature $T^*$, and exhibit a gapped magnetic excitation spectrum with spectral weight concentrated at wavevectors typical of type I antiferromagnetic orders. While muon spin resonance experiments show clear evidence for time reversal symmetry breaking, no corresponding magnetic Bragg scattering is observed at low temperatures. These results, consistent with low temperature octupolar or quadrupolar order, are discussed in the context of other 5$d^2$ DP magnets, and theories for $d^2$ ions on a FCC lattice which predict exotic orders driven by multipolar interactions.

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