Dissipative dynamics of a driven qubit: interplay between non-adiabatic dynamics and noise effects from weak to strong coupling regime

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation for the dissipative dynamics of a qubit, achieved by means of Short Iterative Lanczos method (SIL), which allows us to describe the qubit and the bath dynamics from weak to strong coupling regimes. We focus on two different models of a qubit in contact with the external environment: the first is the Spin Boson Model (SBM), which gives a description of the qubit in terms of static tunnelling energy and a bias field. The second model describes an externally driven qubit, where both the bias field and the tunnelling rate are controlled by a time-dependent magnetic field obeying to a finite time protocol. We show that in the SBM case, our solution correctly describes the crossover from coherent to incoherent behavior of the magnetization, occurring at the Toulouse point. Furthermore, we show that the bath response dramatically changes during the system dynamics, going from non-resonant at small times to resonant behavior at long times. When the external driving field is present, for fixed values of the drive duration our results show that the bath can provide beneficial effects to the success of the protocol. We find evidence for a complex interplay between non-adiabaticity of the protocol due to the external drive and dissipation effects, which strongly depends on the detailed form of the qubit-bath interaction.

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