Random bases for coprime linear groups

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The minimal base size $b(G)$ for a permutation group $G$, is a widely studied topic in the permutation group theory. Z. Halasi and K. Podoski proved that $b(G)leq 2$ for coprime linear groups. Motivated by this result and the probabilistic method used by T. C. Burness, M. W. Liebeck and A. Shalev, it was asked by L. Pyber that for coprime linear groups $Gleq GL(V)$, whether there exists a constant $c$ such that the probability of that a random $c$-tuple is a base for $G$ tends to 1 as $|V|toinfty$. While the answer to this question is negative in general, it is positive under the additional assumption that $G$ is even primitive as a linear group. In this paper, we show that almost all $11$-tuples are bases for coprime primitive linear groups.

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