Comment on the article Anisotropies in the astrophysical gravitational-wave background: The impact of black hole distributions by A.C. Jenkins et al. [arXiv:1810.13435]

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the discrepancy pointed out by Jenkins et al. in Ref. [1] between the predictions of anisotropies of the astrophysical gravitational wave (GW) background, derived using different methods in Cusin et al. [2] and in Jenkins et al. [3]. We show that this discrepancy is not due to our treatment of galaxy clustering, contrary to the claim made in Ref. [1] and we show that our modeling of clustering gives results in very good agreement with observations. Furthermore we show that the power law spectrum used in Refs. [1] and [3] to describe galaxy clustering is incorrect on large scales and leads to a different scaling of the multipoles $C_ell$. Moreover, we also explain that the analytic derivation of the gravitational wave background correlation function in Refs. [1] and [3] is mathematically ill-defined and predicts an amplitude of the angular power spectrum which depends on the (arbitrary) choice of a non-physical cut-off.

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