Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): halo formation times and halo assembly bias on the cosmic web

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We present evidence for halo assembly bias as a function of geometric environment. By classifying GAMA galaxy groups as residing in voids, sheets, filaments or knots using a tidal tensor method, we find that low-mass haloes that reside in knots are older than haloes of the same mass that reside in voids. This result provides direct support to theories that link strong halo tidal interactions with halo assembly times. The trend with geometric environment is reversed at large halo mass, with haloes in knots being younger than haloes of the same mass in voids. We find a clear signal of halo downsizing - more massive haloes host galaxies that assembled their stars earlier. This overall trend holds independently of geometric environment. We support our analysis with an in-depth exploration of the L-Galaxies semi-analytic model, used here to correlate several galaxy properties with three different definitions of halo formation time. We find a complex relationship between halo formation time and galaxy properties, with significant scatter. We confirm that stellar mass to halo mass ratio, specific star-formation rate and mass-weighed age are reasonable proxies of halo formation time, especially at low halo masses. Instantaneous star-formation rate is a poor indicator at all halo masses. Using the same semi-analytic model, we create mock spectral observations using complex star-formation and chemical enrichment histories, that approximately mimic GAMAs typical signal-to-noise and wavelength range. We use these mocks to assert how well potential proxies of halo formation time may be recovered from GAMA-like spectroscopic data.

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