It has been debated for decades whether hadrons emerging from p+p collisions exhibit collective expansion. The signal of the collective motion in p+p collisions is not as clear/clean as in heavy-ion collisions because of the low multiplicity and large fluctuation in p+p collisions. Tsallis Blast-Wave (TBW) model is a thermodynamic approach, introduced to handle the overwhelming correlation and fluctuation in the hadronic processes. We have systematically studied the identified particle spectra in p+p collisions from RHIC to LHC using TBW and found no appreciable radial flow in p+p collisions below $sqrt{s}=900$ GeV. At LHC higher energy of 7 TeV in p+p collisions, the radial flow velocity achieves an average value of $<beta >= 0.320pm0.005$. This flow velocity is comparable to that in peripheral (40-60%) Au+Au collisions at RHIC. Breaking of the identified particle spectra $m_T$ scaling was also observed at LHC from a model independent test.
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