Does HM mechanism work in string theory?

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The correspondence principle offered a unique opportunity to test the Horowitz and Maldacena mechanism at correspondence point the centre of mass energies around $(M_{s}/(g_{s})^{2})$. First by using Horowitz and Maldacena proposal, the black hole final state for closed strings is studied and the entropy of these states is calculated.Then, to consider the closed string states, a copy of the original Hilbert space is constructed with a set of operators of creation/anihilation that have the same commutation properties as the original ones. The total Hilbert space is the tensor product of the two spaces $H_{right}otimes H_{left}$, where in this case $H_{left/right}$ denotes the physical quantum states space of the closed string .It is shown that closed string states can be represented by a maximally entangled two-mode squeezed state of the left and right spaces of closed string. Also, the entropy for these string states is calculated.It is found that black hole entropy matches the closed string entropy at transition point.This means that our result is consistent with correspondence principle and thus HM mechanism in string theory works . Consequently the unitarity of the black hole in string theory can be reconciled.However Gottesman and Preskill point out that, in this scenario, departures from unitarity can arise due to interactions between the collapsing body and the infalling Hawking radiation inside the event horizon and information can be lost. By extending the Gottesman and Preskill method to string theory, the amount of information transformation from the matter to the state of outgoing Hagedorn radiation for closed strings is obtained.It is observed that information is lost for closed strings.

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