Regularity criterion for 3D Navier-Stokes Equations in Besov spaces

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Several regularity criterions of Leray-Hopf weak solutions $u$ to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations are obtained. The results show that a weak solution $u$ becomes regular if the gradient of velocity component $ abla_{h}{u}$ (or $ abla{u_3}$) satisfies the additional conditions in the class of $L^{q}(0,T; dot{B}_{p,r}^{s}(mathbb{R}^{3}))$, where $ abla_{h}=(partial_{x_{1}},partial_{x_{2}})$ is the horizontal gradient operator. Besides, we also consider the anisotropic regularity criterion for the weak solution of Navier-Stokes equations in $mathbb{R}^3$. Finally, we also get a further regularity criterion, when give the sufficient condition on $partial_3u_3$.

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