Neutrino masses and mixing from S4 flavor twisting

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We discuss a neutrino mass model based on the S4 discrete symmetry where the symmetry breaking is triggered by the boundary conditions of the bulk right-handed neutrino in the fifth spacial dimension. While the symmetry restricts bare mass parameters to flavor-diagonal forms, the viable mixing angles emerge from the wave functions of the Kaluza-Klein modes which carry symmetry breaking effect. The magnitudes of the lepton mixing angles, especially the reactor angle is related to the neutrino mass patterns and the model will be tested in future neutrino experiments, e.g., an early (late) discovery of the reactor angle favors the normal (inverted) hierarchy. The size of extra dimension has a connection to the possible mass spectrum; a small (large) volume corresponds to the normal (inverted) mass hierarchy.

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