Analyzing power of the ${vec p}p to pp{pi}^0$ reaction at beam energy of 390 MeV

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The analyzing power of ${vec p}pto pp{pi}^0$ reaction has been measured at the beam energy of 390 MeV. The missing mass technique of final protons has been applied to identify the $pi^0$ production event. The dependences of the analyzing power on the pion emission-angle and the relative momentum of the protons have beenobtained. The angular dependence could be decomposed by the Legendre polynomial and the relative contribution of the $P_{21}$ to $P_{11}$ function is less than 20%. The P-state amplitude is found to be the dominant component of the $pi$ production near the threshold. The momentum dependence of the analyzing power has been studied to obtain the information about the pion production mechanism. It has been deduced that the pion production due to the long range interaction plays an important role in the momentum dependence of the P-state amplitude.

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