Valleys and the maximum local time for random walk in random environment

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $xi(n, x)$ be the local time at $x$ for a recurrent one-dimensional random walk in random environment after $n$ steps, and consider the maximum $xi^*(n) = max_x xi(n,x)$. It is known that $limsup xi^*(n)/n$ is a positive constant a.s. We prove that $liminf_n (logloglog n)xi^*(n)/n$ is a positive constant a.s.; this answers a question of P. Revesz (1990). The proof is based on an analysis of the {em valleys /} in the environment, defined as the potential wells of record depth. In particular, we show that almost surely, at any time $n$ large enough, the random walker has spent almost all of its lifetime in the two deepest valleys of the environment it has encountered. We also prove a uniform exponential tail bound for the ratio of the expected total occupation time of a valley and the expected local time at its bottom.

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