A Superstring Theory in 2+2 Dimensions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper we construct a $(2,2)$ dimensional string theory with manifest $N=1$ spacetime supersymmetry. We use Berkovits approach of augmenting the spacetime supercoordinates by the conjugate momenta for the fermionic variables. The worldsheet symmetry algebra is a twisted and truncated ``small $N=4$ superconformal algebra. The physical spectrum of the open string contains an infinite number of massless states, including a supermultiplet of a self-dual Yang-Mills field and a right-handed spinor and a supermultiplet of an anti-self-dual Yang-Mills field and a left-handed spinor. The higher-spin multiplets are natural generalisations of these self-dual and anti-self-dual multiplets.

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