Dominant Three-Body Decays of a Heavy Higgs and Top Quark

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We calculate the dominant three body Higgs decays, $H to W^+W^-(Z^0, gamma)$ and $H to toverline{t}(Z^0,gamma ,g)$, in the Standard Model. We find that the branching ratios of these decays are of the order of few percent for large Higgs masses. We comment on the behaviour of the partial decay width $Gamma (H to toverline{b}W^-)$ below the $toverline{t}$ threshold. Numerical results of the following three body top decays, $t to W^+b(gamma ,g,Z^0)$ and $t to W^+bH$, are also given. We discuss the feasibility of observing these Higgs and top decays at future high energy colliders.

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