Using Phenomenological Formulae,Deducing the Masses and Flavors of the Quarks, Baryons and Mesons from Two Elementary Quarks

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Using phenomenological formulae, we deduce the masses and quantum numbers of the quarks from two elementary quarks ($epsilon_{u}$ and $epsilon_{d}$) first. Then using the sum laws and a binding energy formula, in terms of the qqq baryon model and SU(4), we deduce the masses and quantum numbers of the important baryons from the deduced quarks. At the same time, using the sum laws and a binding energy formula, in terms of the quark-antiquark bound state meson model, we deduce the masses and quantum numbers of the mesons from the deduced quarks. The deduced masses of the baryons and mesons are 98% consistent with experimental results. The deduced quantum numbers of the baryons and mesons match with the experimental results exactly. In fact this paper improves upon the Quark Model, making it more powerful and more reasonable. It predicts some baryonsalso. PACS: 12.39.-x; 14.65.-q; 14.20.-c keywords: phenomenology, elementary, quark, mass, SU(4), baryon, meson

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