Universal quantum computing with correlated spin-charge states

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We propose a universal quantum computing scheme in which the orthogonal qubit states $|0>$ and $|1>$ are identical in their single-particle spin and charge properties. Each qubit is contained in a single quantum dot and gate operations are induced all-electrically by changes in the confinement potential. Within the computational space, these qubits are robust against environmental influences that couple to the system through single-particle channels. Due to the identical spin and charge properties of the $|0>$, $|1>$ states, the lowest-order relaxation and decoherence rates $1/T_1$ and $1/T_2$, within the Born-Markov approximation, both vanish for a large class of environmental couplings. We give explicit pulse sequences for a universal set of gates (phase, $pi/8$, Hadamard, textsc{cnot}) and discuss state preparation, manipulation, and detection.

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