An analytical result for the renormalization of the jump of the heat capacity Delta C/C_N by the anisotropy of the order parameter is derived within the framework of the very recent model proposed by Posazhennikova, Dahm and Maki [cond-mat/0204272, submitted to Europhys. Lett.], for both oblate and prolate anisotropy. The graph of Delta C/C_N versus the ratio of the gaps on the equator and the pole of the Fermi surface, Delta_e/Delta_p, allows a direct determination of the gap anisotropy parameter Delta_e/Delta_p by fitting data from specific heat measurements Delta C/C_N. Using the experimental value Delta C/C_N=0.82 +/- 10% by Wang, Plackowski, and Junod [Physica C 355 (2001) 179] we find Delta_e/Delta_p = 4.0.
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