A Support Tool for Tagset Mapping

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Many different tagsets are used in existing corpora; these tagsets vary according to the objectives of specific projects (which may be as far apart as robust parsing vs. spelling correction). In many situations, however, one would like to have uniform access to the linguistic information encoded in corpus annotations without having to know the classification schemes in detail. This paper describes a tool which maps unstructured morphosyntactic tags to a constraint-based, typed, configurable specification language, a ``standard tagset. The mapping relies on a manually written set of mapping rules, which is automatically checked for consistency. In certain cases, unsharp mappings are unavoidable, and noise, i.e. groups of word forms {sl not} conforming to the specification, will appear in the output of the mapping. The system automatically detects such noise and informs the user about it. The tool has been tested with rules for the UPenn tagset cite{up} and the SUSANNE tagset cite{garside}, in the framework of the EAGLESfootnote{LRE project EAGLES, cf. cite{eagles}.} validation phase for standardised tagsets for European languages.

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