On the Heavy Relic Neutrino - Galactic Gamma Halo Connection

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A halo model with heavy relic neutrinos N belonging to a fourth generation and their annihilations in galactic halo may explain the recent evidence of diffused gamma (GeV) radiation around galactic plane. We considered a neutrino mass in the narrow range ($M_Z/2 < m_N < M_Z$) and two main processes as source of gamma rays. A first one is ICS of ultrarelativistic electron pair on IR and optical galactic photons and a second due to prompt gammas by $pi^0$ decay, leading to a gamma flux ($10^{-7} - 10^{-6} /(cm^2 s sr)$) comparable to EGRET detection. Our predictions are also compatible with the narrow window of neutrino mass $45 GeV < m_N < 60 GeV$, required to explain the recent underground DAMA positive signals.

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